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Vol. 11 No. 1 Reading Assignments for Spring Life of a Writer Previous Newsletters More Archives
Book in Common for Spring 2007 Is The Bad Beginning Pre-reading
Assignments for Spring Residency Announced Fiction: Sena Jeter Naslunds Abundance: A Novel of Marie
Antoinette AWP Conference
in Atlanta Is February 28-March 3 Kentuckiana Metroversity
2007 Writing Competition New Opportunity
to Place Classified Ads in Newsletter Introducing a New
Newsletter Feature: Because You Asked Because You Asked Question: Are fall residencies packed more tightly
than spring? Life of a Writer Students, faculty, and alumni: Please email writing news to mfanewsletter@spalding.edu Priscilla Atkins has four poems in the fall 2006 issue of Southern Humanities Review and poems in the fall 2006 issues of Epoch, Connecticut Review, and Southern Indiana Review. Darlyn Finch, current writer-in-residence at the Jack Kerouac Project house in Orlando, Fla., is to give a farewell reading and book roll-out celebration on February 17 for her short story and poetry collection, Red Wax Rose, which is being published by Shady Lane Press in affiliation with her stay at the historic home where Kerouac wrote Dharma Bums and published On the Road. Darlyn was the moderator for a panel discussion for the Society of American Travel Writers Institute in Orlando on January 19. Special guest speakers at the event included National Geographic Traveler editor-in-chief Keith Bellows and Veronica Gould Stoddart, Leisure Travel Editor of USA Today. David Harrity has poems forthcoming from the St. Linus Review and The Minnetonka Review. He recently found out that his chapbook, Morning and What Has Come Since, comes out from Finishing Line Press this year. More information can be found at http://davidharrity.blogspot.com . (top) Troy Jewells eight-month-old son, Connor, recently scored a writing gig. In the piece, published in the October 22 Sunday edition of The Orlando Sentinel, Connor marveled over how huge his dads head is, and how hes getting acquainted with his new, out-of-the-womb surroundings. Jill Kelly Koren had two poems featured in her sister Alethaire Kellys recent art show at the Abundant Life Gallery in Virginia. The poems, Rosemary and Two Rooms, were hung next to the paintings that inspired them. She also has two poems forthcoming in Bleeding on the Page: Women Writing About Menstruation, an anthology edited by Spalding graduates Parneshia Jones (Spring 2006), Michele Ruby (Spring 2005), Elizabeth Slade (Spring 2006), and Julia Watts (Fall 2005). The anthology is to be published by Spinsters Ink Press. Drew Lackovic was recently announced as the fiction winner for Alligator Junipers National Writing contest (http://www.prescott.edu/highlights/alligator_juniper/guidelines.html) with his story (Un/Re/I) Do. The story comes out in the summer 2007 issue of Alligator Juniper. In addition, Drews story Contents Within was nominated for the 2007 AWP Intro Award (www.awpwriter.org/contests/intro.htm). Winners are to be announced in the spring. Loreen Niewenhuiss short story Trixie was published in the recently released (due to a backlog) March 2006 issue of Words of Wisdom. Rick Neumayers third produced musical, a comedy-fantasy titled Mark Twain on the River, is to be performed this summer at RiverStage in Jeffersonville, Ind. The show, co-written with Bill Corcoran, is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday nights at 8:30 on July 14, 15, 21, and 22 at Jeffs riverfront amphitheatre. (top) Julia Schusters short story My Boring Life is a finalist in the Cup of Comfort writing competition and has been accepted for publication by Adams Media to appear in their upcoming collection, A Cup of Comfort for Writers. This series of books is similar to the Chicken Soup series. Julias story Fruitcake Cookies and Bringing Mother Back to Life was published by Adams Media in their Cup of Comfort for Sisters edition in 2004. Clayton Scott is to emcee the Arkansas Poetry Out Loud state contest this March for the second year. He has also been nominated to be the Poet Laureate of Fayetteville, Arkansas, where he makes his home. Kim Stinson-Hawn is organizing and directing the plays in the
first Ten Minute Quilt Play Festival for the Berea Arts Councils
annual Quilt Extravaganza Festival in August 2007. Submissions of the
ten-minute plays with a theme of quilts or quilting are due postmarked
by March 30. Detailed information about submitting a play can be found
at www.bereaartscouncil.org/events/2007/play/play.htm.
Dianne Aprile gave a reading and lecture at Murray State University on January 6 and 7 as a guest of the schools low-residency MFA in Writing program. She read two excerpts from her memoir, one of which is titled The Thickness of Water and was published in the most recent issue of The Louisville Review, and from an essay in progress, Dont Hold Back. Her lecture was on advocacy writing, a repeat of the lecture given at the fall 2006 Spalding residency. (top) Ellie Bryant was in the Poconos in January at an inspiring four-day writing retreat arranged by Sue Campbell Bartoletti for women authors of childrens literature. Among the 14 participants were Laurie Halse Anderson, Gail Carson Levine, and Elizabeth Winthrop. Molly Peacock led them in looking at published poems and writing their own poems from prompts she suggested. Over abundant meals, there were good talks about writing and publishing, and two evenings were dedicated to readings of their recent work. K. L. Cooks novel, The Girl from Charnelle, was listed as a 2006 Best Southwest Book of the Year, a 2006 Mississippi Press/Gulf Coast Live Book of the Year, and a School Library Journal 2006 Best Adult Book for High School Students. It was also an Editors Choice selection of the Historical Novel Society. The novel comes out in paperback by Harper Perennial in March. His essay, A Nova, an Eyelash, a Snoring Man: Notes on Adolescent Summers, comes out in March in the anthology When I Was a Loser (Free Press/Simon & Schuster), edited by John McNally. Kenny is to be on two panels at the 2007 AWP Conference in Atlanta: The Prairie Schooner Book Prize Readings and The Literary Trilogy, Sequence, and Cycle both on March 1, 2007. Kathleen Driskells poem Nude Model is forthcoming in the North American Review. She was re-appointed to the Kentucky Poet Laureate Selection Committee of the Kentucky Arts Council in 2006. Last fall, she was a guest on WFPLs State of Affairs show, a radio broadcast of Louisvilles local NPR affiliate. She discussed the Kentucky Womens Book Festival, where she was a featured speaker. Robert Finchs essay Transparent Beauty, first published in River Styx, has been chosen as one of the Notable Essays of 2005 in Houghton-Mifflins Best American Essays 2006, edited by Lauren Slater. Richard Goodman is to be a featured speaker at the workshop and seminar Writing the Garden at the New York Botanical Garden, Sunday, January 28, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Information is available at www.nybg.org/edu/cont_ed_cat.php. His article about the St. Johns Bible, the first illuminated manuscript Bible in 500 years, is the cover story for the January/February issue of Fine Books & Collections magazine. Roy Hoffmans feature Amidst Gethsemani about a visit to the Trappist abbey and the hermitage of Thomas Merton, highlighting Dianne Aprile and her book The Abbey of Gethsemani appeared in the Mobile Press-Register on January 8 and was distributed nationally on the Religion News Wire. Roys review of Wendell Berrys novel Andy Catlett: Early Travels is in the New York Times Book Review, Sunday, January 28. (top) Robin Lippincotts novel Mr. Dalloway has gone into a fourth printing. An article titled Mrs. Dalloway and Three of Its Children, has just appeared in Papers on Language and Literature (XLII, 4, 2006): The article discusses Mr. Dalloway, along with the book and movie of The Hours. Robin was recently accepted into The Writers Room of Boston and gave a reading, along with other members of the Room, at Porter Square Books in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Robin also served as a judge for the Drue Heinz Literature Prize again this year. Nancy McCabe has an essay, Bats in the Attic, in the Fall/Winter 2006 issue (number 39) of Haydens Ferry Review, due out this month. Jeanie Thompson participated in a book signing for All Out of Faith: Southern Women Writers on Spirituality at the Alabama Booksmith in Birmingham on October 3 and was a panelist with the anthologys editor Jennifer Horne at the Southern Festival of Books (Memphis) on October 12. She conducted a poetry panel titled Integrity of the Line at the Eugene Walter Writers Festival on October 6 in Mobile, Alabama. Jeanie was a featured reader in the Writers in Performance Series of the Montgomery County Literary Arts Council and Montgomery Community College in Conroe, Texas, near Houston on October 19. Her poem Abandon appears in the latest edition of New Millennium Writings (U. of Tennessee/Knoxville). Luke Wallins new book, Conservation Writing: Essays at
the Crossroads of Nature and Culture, is out from the Center for Policy
Analysis, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Many of the pieces have
appeared in journals and books, including High Horse. The cover
painting is by his wife, Mary Elizabeth Gordon, and the content can be
previewed at lukewallin.com. (top)
Troy Alvey (Fall 2005) teaches English and Communications courses at Northwood University in Louisville. He has two poems, Ants and Yellow Jackets and Old Ybor Community Center, forthcoming in Minnetonka Review. Deborah Begel (Spring 2006) invites Spalding students and alumni (those who are emerging with no books published, yet) to submit short poems, essays, monologues, or songs for possible use in four-minute radio modules. If selected for this first round of 20 modules, the contributor records the chosen reading three or four times at a public radio or audio studio in the local area. Other writings are held for later use, with permission of course. The author is to retain all rights to his/her work. The audio version is for radio and promotional purposes. Sorry, no pay at this point! By April 15 send stories, poems and essays by email to CallingAmerica12@aol.com. Submissions should be no longer than 3.5 minutes read aloud, please. Cut and paste writing into an email, rather than sending attachments, along with the following information: name, address, telephone, age, email, and gender. Topics are open. Chosen works are to be offered to public radio stations in the U.S. in the fall of 2007. Myra Bellins (Fall 2005) profile of potter Kenny Delio, titled The Functional Fantastic Forms of Kenny Delio, has been accepted for publication in Ceramics Monthly, an internationally distributed monthly magazine devoted to ceramic arts. Gwen Broderick (Fall 2006) of Albany, New York, presents her class The Surprise of Poetry on December 8, 2006, and February 23 through her local adult education program Knowledge Network (www.knowledgenetwork.org). Her poem Late appears in the forthcoming anthology Bleeding on the Page: Women Writing About Menstruation. Gwen is now teaching a weekly writing class to a group of men in recovery. (top) R. L. Burkhead (May 2004) wrote the feature story for the summer 2006 issue of the The Tennessee Writer, the quarterly newsletter published by the Tennessee Writers Alliance. Titled Aspiring Writers Smash Glass at Inaugural TWA Conference, the piece was the feature story for an issue devoted to their inaugural literary conference. In addition, his short story Topography appeared in the January/February 2007 issue of the e-zine Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal, located at: http://asouthernjournal.com. In September 2006 and January 2007, he attended and participated in the Writers Loft semester kickoff literary day. Kathryn Eastburns (Spring 2006) article Stories to Stir the Heart, a Q&A profile of acclaimed Texas short story writer Annette Sanford, appeared in the December 2006 issue of Texas Highways magazine. Dan DiStasios (Fall 2005) short story X-Vision has been accepted for publication in The Caribbean Writer 2007. Dan participated in the Key West Literary Seminars four-day program Wondrous Strange: Mystery, Intrigue and Psychological Drama, which included panelists Ian McEwan, Michael Cunningham, Margaret Atwood, Geoffrey Eugenides, Amy Tan, David Tate, Joyce Carol Oates, and Aimee Bender. Thea Gavin (Spring 2005) served as a judge of the 2006 Corona del Mar High School/Middle School PTA Reflections literary contest in November. Her poem, Big Dan Goertzen of the Zumwalt Country, an oral history in blank verse, was read at the building fundraiser for the Wallowa County Museum by northeastern Oregon writer/museum board member Janie Tippet in October 2006. Mike Hampton (Fall 2005) received word that two of his poems have been accepted for publication by Main Street Rag and will most likely appear in their winter issue. (top) Chris Helvey (Fall 2006) read from his novel-in-progress, Dancing on the Rim, in December at the Jazz Factory as part of the ongoing Jazz and the Spoken Word series. Stephanie Horton (Spring 2006) was awarded a Kentucky Foundation for Women 2006 Artist Enrichment Grant in December 2006. Leesteffy Jenkins (Fall 2005) recently won second place in the ABROAD Writers Contest. Her story The Inverse of Nothing is forthcoming in Driftwood. In addition, she was awarded a scholarship to the ABROAD Writers Conference in Thailand next year. Leesteffy used this story for her workshop piece her last residency at Spalding and would like to thank everyone in her workshop and, in particular, Mary Waters and Kirby Gann for their insightful, much needed, and appreciated comments. Erin Keane (Spring 2004) has poems forthcoming in Nimrod and Bloodlines, an anthology of emerging Kentucky writers published by the Jesse Stuart Foundation. Her review of Diane Gilliam Fishers book of persona poems, Kettle Bottom, appears in the new issue of Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine. The Kentucky Arts Council recently awarded her the Al Smith Fellowship, and her debut full-length collection of poems, The Gravity Soundtrack, is to be published by WordFarm this spring, with a launch at the Printers Row Book Fair in Chicago in early June. Much of this manuscript was completed during her time at Spalding and a version served as her creative thesis. She is grateful for the help and support she received from faculty and fellow students. She spent the fall teaching Pop Music in American Literature at Bellarmine University and promoting her chapbook, The One-Hit Wonders, at various readings in Indiana and Kentucky, and is to read from her newly-completed manuscript of circus poems at the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900 in February and at the Morrison Art Gallery Reading Series at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College in March. She continues to direct the InKY Reading Series (www.inkyreadingseries.com), which is entering its fourth season. The organization achieved federal tax-exempt status in October. Erins activities can be followed at www.sensilla.com, which also contains her blog that won second place in the 2006 LEO Readers Choice Awards. (top) The Poetry Factory reading and workshop series, run by Marci Johnson (Spring 2005), has received a grant for its 2007 season. Readers in the spring include Ander Monson, David Dodd Lee, and Orlando Menes. Kevin Prufer and Mary Ann Samyn lead the workshop sessions for the Workshop Weekend, March 17-18. For more information see www.poetryfactory.net. Maribeth Lysen (Spring 2006) was a runner-up for Georgetown Reviews 2007 contest and has three poems, Silver Acorns, On a Montana Highway Map, and Sheet Music forthcoming in the 2007 issue. Her poem The Origins of the Frog Tattoo is forthcoming in a 2007 issue of PoemMemoirStory (PMS). Her Santa Fe gallery, Muse, opened at the end of November 2006. The gallery website is www.musenm.com. Artist inquiries are welcome. Jae Newmans (Fall 2006) poem Unnamed is forthcoming in a future issue of Tigers Eye. His poem Hole-in-one has also been accepted for publication by the editor of Redivider. In addition, Newman has had four poems accepted by Korean Quarterly. Land of the Morning Calm, Fall Harvest Festival, and Apartment near Airport appeared in the winter 2006 issue. Blue Periods, a long poem, appears in the spring 2007 issue. Zola Troutman Nobles (Spring 2005) essay, An Ordinary Woman: Sarah McIntyre of Saltville, Virginia, is forthcoming in the 2007 issue of The Smithfield Review, to be released in February. Issues may be ordered online at http://civic.bev.net/smithfield/review.html. Rebecca Norriss (Fall 2006) article Pride Cushions a Fall is to appear in HomeLife Magazine in July 2007. (top) Linda Busby Parkers (Fall 2003) book review of Mary Gordons Complete Short Stories appeared in the San Diego Union Tribune in October. Her review of Darnell Arnoults book of poetry, What Travels With Us, and of her novel, Sufficient Grace, appeared in the January 14 Mobile Press Register. In early February, she travels to Wofford College in South Carolina to meet with cross-disciplinary classes that have read Seven Laurels. At that time, she is also to work with students in the South Carolina District 7 schools. Tom Pierces (Fall 2005) short story Sleeper Hold has been accepted for publication by Quarterly West magazine. Mary Pophams (Fall 2003) essay An Abundance of Peace appeared in the ezine New Southerner in December 2006, and her review of Misha Feigins poetry book, The Last Word in Astronomy, appeared in the Louisville Courier-Journal Book Forum in January. She also read her essay for the series This I Believe on NPR in January. Heather Shaws (Fall 2004) essay A Mothers Gift appears in the current issue of New Southerner magazine, along with her regular column about food. Her poem Wilsons Cove has finally appeared in The Antigonish Review, issue #147. She welcomes submissions of food articles of approximately 700 words at heathershaw@newsoutherner.com Further guidelines may be found at www.newsoutherner.com. (top) Janet Shea (Spring 2006) recently recorded Solitary Feast, an essay from her collection Enduring Love, at the Portland studio of Maine Public Broadcasting Network. This piece is to be aired on Maine Things Considered sometime this winter. Judy Shearer (Spring 2006) has received a 2007 Al Smith Fellowship from the Kentucky Arts Council for $7,500 to complete her research for a book she began at Spalding about a Kentucky slave named Cassy. The Kentucky Foundation for Women has awarded her and Murray State University printmaking professor Nicole Hand a grant for their collaborative project, a hand-edition book. Pamela Steele (Spring 2004) was one of the dueling judges for the Oregon State Poetry Associations annual competition in October 2006 at their annual conference, as well as a featured reader at the Eastern Oregon Poets Gathering. Amy Watkinss (Spring 2006) poem Photo of My Brother and Sister Sorting Apples has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize by The Louisville Review. Another of her poems appears in the new issue of BloodLotus (www.bloodlotus.org). (top) Julia Watts (Fall 2005) is to read from and sign copies of her new novel, Womens Studies, at 4 p.m. Saturday, February 17, at Carmichaels Bookstore in Louisville. She would love for any Spalding friends in the area to come by and say hello. Vickie Weavers (Fall 2005) novel excerpt Staining All the Way Down, from her novel in progress Below the Heart, is included in the anthology Bleeding on the Page: Women Writing About Menstruation. Jonathan Weinert (Fall 2005) has poems forthcoming in Green Mountains Review, Notre Dame Review, Redactions: Poetry and Poetics, Blood Lotus, Tuesday: An Art Project, and CrossConnect (http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect). Aimee Zarings (Spring 2005) book review on Alice McDermotts latest novel, After This, appeared in Louisvilles Courier-Journal on December 23. (top) Faculty Advisory
Committee (FAC) for Fall 2006
Terry Price sent the link for the Tennessee Writers Alliance
contest, deadline February 28. Silas House sent information about the contest for the Financial Aid: The The MFA Program offers scholarships to students
entering their first semester in the program. Returning students who
desire financial assistance should apply for graduate assistantships.
Applications for scholarships and assistantships should be directed
to the MFA Office. Check the MFA forms page on the MFA website (http://www.spalding.edu/mfaforms)
for deadlines. For help with financial aid questions, call Vicki Montgomery at 800-896-8941 ext. 2731 or 502-585-9911, ext. 2731 or email vmontgomery@spalding.edu Students may enter or update their FAFSA information online at www.fafsa.ed.gov (top) Deferment Form. For students who receive notice their loans have gone into repayment while still enrolled in school. Fill out deferment form (click here) and fax to Jennifer Gohmann at 502-992-2424. Include the address and/or fax number of where the deferment form should go to in Section 7 (on the 2nd page). For multiple loans, fill out one deferment form per loan company. On the fax cover sheet, state that you are an MFA student. If you have questions, Jennifer's email is jgohmann@spalding.edu MFA Scholarship Fund: Donations to the MFA in Writing Scholarship
Fund may be made in honor of or in memory of
a friend or loved one or organization. To make a donation, contact Cindy
Schnell, Donor Relations Coordinator in the office of Development and
Alumni Relations. Email: cschnell@spalding.edu
Phone: (800) 896-8941, ext. 2505 or (502) 585-9911, ext. 2505. MFA Students/Faculty/Alums Discussion Board. The MFA Discussion Board is off to an energetic start. Currently, the most active topic is Publishing Opportunities, which lists contests and calls for submission, for example, a call for submissions from Alligator Juniper, the national literary journal at Prescott College, where Kenny Cook is fiction and creative nonfiction editor. Students and faculty are welcome to post information in this area and others. See the MFA Discussion Board at: http://eres.spalding.edu/bboard.asp?cid=246&cname=ENG001MFAFor easy access to the Discussion Board, students and faculty are encouraged
to bookmark the site. (top) Online information: MFA in Writing forms, deadlines, and other student and faculty information are available online at http://www.spalding.edu/mfaforms Newsletters are at http://www.spalding.edu/mfanewsletter For convenience, bookmark these two pages. Both web addresses are case sensitive. The MFA Office is happy to mail program forms or the newsletter, if requested. Email kyocom@spalding.edu. (top) Life of a Writer is an important newsletter column that reports
on experiences around the writing life of our students, faculty, and
alums. Life of a Writer pieces should be written as a paragraph in third person. It is helpful for alums to include their graduation semester, such as Jake Doe (Fall 2003). Spell out month and state names. Include name of work, publisher, date of publication, and Website addresses, when appropriate. (top) Below is a list of some of the kinds of activities that might be included in the Life of a Writer column.
On Extended Wings archives: To see previous issues of the newsletter, click here. Sena Jeter Naslund, Program Director |