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Vol. 13 No. 1 Life of a Writer Apply for Passport Now for Summer 2008 Previous Newsletters See other issues of On Extended Wings
Spring 2008 BIC Is Pico Iyers Sun After Dark AWP
Conference In NYC January 30 - February 2 Friday, February 1 Saturday, February 2 MFA Program Welcomes
New Expository Writing Consultant All MFA Students
Need to Adjust Semester Reading Lists BIC Essay Assignment
for Fall 2007 ENG610 Students Summer
2008 Residency Plans Shaping Up Location
of Classes Workshop,
Lectures, and Guest Lecturers Events and Outings Housing Housing and Travel
Worksheet Enrollment for
Spring or Summer to Take Place in March Change in Brown
Hotel Room Rates CNF/F Workshop
Offered at Spring 2008 Residency Because
You Asked Program Book in Common: A book selected by the Program Director for all students and faculty in all genres to read. The genre of the book changes every semester. On the first night of the residency, the Program Director conducts a plenary discussion of the book for students in all genres. The author of the book usually comes to the residency to give a presentation and to talk with students in an informal Q & A session. Students entering ENG620 are required to write a short essay on this book; the essay is reviewed during the residency in a special mini-workshop conducted by the Expository Writing Coach. Faculty/Guest Book in Common: A text written by a faculty member
or guest of the MFA Program in a particular area of concentration. There
is usually only one such text in each area of concentration. Students
in playwriting/screenwriting read texts in both areas. The author of the
text conducts an informal session (not a lecture) during the residency
to discuss the process of writing and publishing that particular book
or script. Students come prepared to ask questions about choices that
have been made in the text or about the process of writing or about the
publication of the text. Beginning with the Fall 2007 semester, students
write an essay on the Faculty/Guest Book in Common (see article on page
2). Mentor Group Anthology: An anthology and/or three or more short scripts assigned at the group conference during the residency to all members of a single mentor group. Students write a 2-4 page essay about their two favorite works from the anthology/collection and send the essay to the mentor and all students in the group. (top) Graduate Assistantship
and PRGA Deadline February 21 Life of a Writer Students, faculty, and alumni: Please email writing news to mfanewsletter@spalding.edu Priscilla Atkins has poems appearing in recent journals: Mother and Me, by Hockney, The Los Angeles Review (2007); Anniversary and La Veta, Diner (2007); Black Swallow, Folio (Spring 2007); The Death of Albert Camus and The Recovery Room, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review (Fall/Winter 2007). On December 20, 2007, along with Spalding classmate Jill Koren, she participated in Wisconsin Public Radios Winter Solstice Poetry Circle, co-hosted by Jean Feraca and Molly Peacock. Anna M. (Mary P.) Carrolls story, My Aunt Sis, has been accepted for the One for the Road anthology. In December, she attended the MLA convention in Chicago. Kristin Dohertys short story There Is More to Be Done appears in the next issue of Zone 3. Ann Eskridge is a semifinalist in the amazon.com Breakthrough Novel Award. Five thousand entrants uploaded their novel and were accepted into the contest, a little more than 800 semifinalists were chosen. Each semifinalists work is excerpted and available to read on line. From now until March 2, Amazon.com customers can download, read, and review excerpts from the semifinalists and help decide who will make it to the Top Ten. Anns novel, The Raven, is historical fiction. Go to the official site for all the entrants and click historical fiction and The Raven: http://www.amazon.com/abna (top) Mitch Fieldss play Permit to Conceal is to be produced as part of Finnigan Productions Festival of Fresh and Funky Fun, March 21-22, at the Rudyard Kipling in Louisville. The 10-minute play dramatizes the struggle of an Appalachian family against an encroaching strip-mining operation and its tragic consequences. Barry Georges haiku appear in the 2007 annual Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, and, translated into Romanian, in Greieri Si Crizanteme, an anthology published by the Romanian Haiku Society. One of his tanka was a winner in the 2007 Tanka Splendor Contest, sponsored by the journal Lynx. Colleen Harriss poem Disobedience has been accepted for publication in the Winter 2008 issue of kaleidowhirl. Her poem Refrigerator Borealis has been accepted for publication in the Spring 2008 Ruminate magazine. (top) Two of Amy Hanridges short stories, Ladylike and Erecting Fences, were selected as finalists in the 2007 Short Story Contest sponsored by Lunch Hour Stories Short Fiction Magazine. Jimi Izrael has secured literary agent Claudia Menza to represent two works of nonfiction, one of them a memoir. Izrael is on the board of the Hip-Hop Journalism Association and gave the keynote address at the October 19 convention held in Miami. He also was a panelist at the Watergate Conference on Political & Congressional Reporting last fall in Washington D.C., to be simulcast on C-SPAN. Jimi, who left the Lexington Herald-Leader in August, continues to freelance opinion coast to coast and host The Barbershop segment of National Public Radios Tell Me More with Michel Martin every Friday. He completed coursework on his MFA in the fall but is taking an enrichment semester. (top) Jill Koren visited Pope John XXIII Elementary School in Madison, Indiana, as guest writer for National Childrens Book Week. She was also chosen as a KIPP Writers House Fellow for 2008. KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) is a national network of charter schools. Trish Lindsey Jaggers has had two poems accepted for publication: Bare was chosen by Wolverine Farm Publishing for their biannual journals eleventh edition: Matter 11: The Woods (due out in February). Also, her poem While I Wait was accepted by The Briar Cliff Review for its next edition. Both of these poems were part of the first packet workshopped while she was an MFA student at Spalding University. Prior to the MFA workshop, attempts to publish them proved unsuccessful. Following some of the excellent revision advice of the fellow workshop students and leaders, the poems were accepted right away. Shes especially pleased about the revised Bare, a five-page poem. Matters poetry editor wrote (about Bare), It stood out. Drew Lackovics story Abject Objectivity Goes for a Walk appeared in the November 15 edition of Wordriot.org. Also, his story, (Un/Re/I) Do, which originally appeared in this years issue of Alligator Juniper was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. (top) Cristina Trapani-Scotts poems Sewing Pins and Salamanders and A Photo on the Cellar Wall were published in the Writers Reading at Sweetwaters Anthology, which was released in December. She read from the anthology, along with many of the other contributors, at a book release celebration held December 18 at Sweetwaters Cafe in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cristina is to be a featured reader for the March regular meeting of the Writers Reading at Sweetwaters series. (top)
Julie Brickmans Magnificent Obsession a review of The Bad Girl by Mario Vargas Llosa, appeared in the San Diego Union-Tribune on Sunday, November 4. The Examined Life, her review of Annie Dillards The Maytrees, appeared on Sunday, June 17, in the Books supplement of the San Diego Union-Tribune. On November 26, Julie was interviewed about writing, reviewing and teaching writing on the Internet radio show Shelf Life, hosted by Arthur Salm, Books editor of the San Diego Union Tribune. Julies short story, The Rainbow Range, appeared in the November/December issue of The Barcelona Review, http://www.barcelonareview.com/61/e_jrb.htm. K. L. Cooks story, The Man Who Fell from the Sky, appeared in the Winter issue of Glimmer Train Stories. He is doing a book signing on Friday, February 1, at the AWP Conference (at the Spalding MFA table) in New York City and giving a reading on February 7 in Canton, New York, as part of the St. Lawrence University Reading Series. Kathleen Driskells book of poems Seed Across Snow will be published in early 2009 by Red Hen Press. She recently read at the Filson Club and Jazz Factory in Louisville; and she made a visit to a creative writing class at Assumption High School in Louisville. She judged the 2008 Literary Leo poetry competitions and is to judge Heartland Magazines Joy Bale Boone Prize for 2008. Her poem With a Shiner, My Husband Enters the Flower Shop recently appeared in RiverStyx. (top) Robert Finchs new book, The Iambics of Newfoundland: Notes from an Unknown Shore (Counterpoint, 2007) has been named as one of 100 Best Books of the Year by The Globe and Mail, Canadas national newspaper. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20071201.BK100S01/TPStory/Entertainment/?pageRequested=all. Richard Goodmans essay Tortola appears in The Best Travel Writing 2008, from Travelers Tales, due out this month. His essay, The Man in White, appears in the new Harvard Review. Its available online at http://hcl.harvard.edu/harvardreview/issues/33/goodman.html. Roy Hoffmans series of articles, Deliver Us From Evil, http://blog.al.com/pr/2008/01/deliver_us_from_evil.html, appeared in the Mobile Press-Register January 6, 7, and 8, and was distributed to papers nationally by Newhouse News Service. The series is about two men who first confronted each other in high school in Mobile in 1964 when one of them, Jewish, was assaulted by the other, a right wing militant who would become a Klansman and later undergo a spiritual transformation. The men met again in Mobile, in November 2007, in very different circumstances. (top) Sena Jeter Naslund is in residence this spring at the University of Alabama in Huntsville as its Eminent Scholar. UAH is presenting fully staged production of Four Spirits: The Play, coauthored by Sena and Elaine Hughes, on February 7, 8, 9, and 10 (http://theatre.uah.edu). At AWP, Sena will be signing books at MFA/The Louisville Review tables from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, February 2. She will be the keynote speaker at the San Miguel (Mexico) Workshop on February 23. Other presentations of her novels include Ottawa (Kansas) University on February 27 and the California Association of Teachers March 7 at Long Beach. Luke Wallins novel The Soul Tree is a semi-finalist in the Amazon.com Breakthrough Award competition, which is being judged in part by the public. The excerpt may be downloaded free at their site, and a short review could help the novels chances. http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Tree-Official-ABNA-Entrant/dp/B00121SFQ2/ref=br_lf_m_1000189191_10_276_ttl?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=books&pf_rd_p=358559401&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_i=1000189191&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1GS69J3EB6DSFJX16WFY Sam Zalutskys film You Belong to Me screened January 12 and 13 at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. The film was recently acquired for distribution by Wolfe Releasing. Stay tuned for information about the DVD release and TV airings. Sam was also recently one of 15 people shortlisted for the Film Independents Someone to Watch Independent Spirit Award. (top) Andrew Beahrs (Fall 2004) second novel,
The Sineaters, was accepted by Toby Press. The Sineaters was
Andrews creative thesis at Spalding. Adriena Dame (Fall 2007) recently founded 94 Creations, Inc., an independent publishing house designed to celebrate creativity, diversity, and the power of the written word. The editors include familiar talents of the Spalding family, as well as a handful of literary educators. While all genres will be represented throughout the life of this venture, the house is currently accepting works of fiction and nonfiction to consider for publication in An Anthology of Short Prose, debuting in print this summer. Visit www.94creations.com for submission guidelines and opportunities to win up to $500 cash. Dave DeGolyers (Fall 2007) alter-ego, Lafayette Wattles, has had three poems accepted for publication by Slurve, a literary journal disguised as a baseball publication (although his poems have nothing to do with baseball or disguises or, some might suggest, anything literary). Dirt, Air, Shadow, Light and The Turtle is Unable to Leave Hardness Behind, the Man Unwilling will appear in a Spring 2008 issue (January or March), while prose poem A Cloud in a White Room: Or What I Learned Working on the Set of a Low-Budget Movie will appear later in 2008. Lafayette will also have the good fortune of having one of his photographs, Scholar, appear on the cover of the next issue of Blood Lotus. (top) Kathryn Eastburn (Spring 2006) is celebrating the release of her book Simon Says with a brief book tour of Colorado. She signed and read at Poor Richards Books in Colorado Springs on January 3 before a crowd of more than 100, then signed at Hamlets Booksellers in Breckenridge. On January 9, she signed at Tattered Cover in Denver. She has been interviewed by several radio and television outlets, including a New York station, and is meeting with producers from ABCs 20-20 for a possible news magazine treatment of the story. In February, Eastburn is to teach Intro to Journalism at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Her second book, A Sacred Feast, is featured in the Spring/Summer 2008 University of Nebraska Press catalog. Anticipated release date is March 1. Simon Says is available online at Amazon, Borders, and Barnes & Noble as well as at numerous independent sites. Stacia M. Fleegal (Fall 2007) has poems appearing in upcoming issues of Here and There, Minnetonka Review, and Elsewhere: A Journal for the Literature of Place. David Harritys (Fall 2007) chapbook Morning and What Has Come Since was nominated for three awardsthe Conference on Christianity and Literatures Book-of-the-Year Citation, The Kentucky Literary Award, and a Pushcart Prize. He has recently accepted a part-time teaching position at Asbury College and has several other teaching engagements scheduled for the spring, including appearances at The Carnegie Center and Asbury Theological Seminary. (top) The result for Cyn Kitchen (Spring 2005) of accepting a writing challenge, posted on Crystal Wilkinsons Myspace, was publication. Her flash fiction story, Doxology was picked up by The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. You can find it at www.deadmule.com. Cyns essay, Remembering Whats to Come appears in the Winter issue of New Southerner. Dan Nowak (Spring 2007) is the winner of the 2007 Quercus Review Poetry Series Annual Book Award, and his full-length collection of poems, Recycle Suburbia, will be published in 2009. He is also the recent recipient of a grant from the Center for Great Plains Studies. He is working on a series of poems about the late poet Thomas McGrath and plans to use the grant to fund a trip to McGraths North Dakota farm. Rosanne Osborne (Spring 2007) has had a poem selected for the Summer 2008 issue of Thema. (top) Terry Prices (Spring 2006) story Eminent Domain, which was published in volume 12, number 4 edition of Timber Creek Review has been nominated for the 2007 Pushcart Prize. K. Shavers (Fall 2004) story Lipstick Peonies was selected by Pablo Medina as winner of Inkwell Magazines 2007 Fiction Contest. Heather Shaw (Fall 2004) recently attended Robin Lippincotts reading at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Robin read from his new novel, In the Meantime. The food columns Heather wrote for New Southerner magazine in 2006 recently appeared in the annual print version of the magazine, available through the website, www.newsoutherner.com. One of Amanda Sledzs (Fall 2007) essays appeared in the Voicecatcher Anthology, published in November. On November 27, she read at Powells City of Books as part of the promotion for the anthology. In December, she was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for the published essay. Pamela Steele (Spring 2004) has been traveling and reading to promote the release of Paper Bird, her first book-length collection of poems, published by Wordcraft of Oregon. In October, after a release party held at the Fishtrap House in Enterprise, Oregon, she was a featured reader at the InKY Reading Series in Louisville. In November, Pam read and signed books at Wordstock, an annual writing festival held in Portland. (top) Kathleen Thompson (Fall 2003) judged a poetry contest for the Wetumpka High School Literary Club in Wetumpka, Alabama. She presented awards to the winning students on December 13 at the school. Her stint as a Road Scholar for the Alabama Humanities Foundation has been extended to run through 2009. Leslie Smith Townsend (Spring 2004) received a Kentucky Foundation for Women grant to complete a revision of Body Beautiful: A Memoir of Depression, Addiction, and Redemption. She was also accepted for a Vermont Studio Center residency with a partial fellowship. Check out her column, The Half-Empty Mason Jar at www.newsoutherner.com. (top) Recently, Zola Troutman Nobles (Spring 2005) short essay, Finding a Heritage of Faith, was published in Just Beyond the Passage: Lifes Changes in Art and Story, a collection of essays compiled, edited, and illustrated by David Liverett and published by Chinaberry House, Anderson, Indiana. In addition, Noble received a Falls Fund Faculty Development Grant to attend Glen Workshop: An Image Summer Institute for Artists, Writers, and Wayfarers, July 29-August 5, St. Johns College, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Noble presented her essay, My Mountain Grandmothers, Prudent and Cantankerous, and participated in a spiritual writing workshop led by Ann McCutchan. Zola also received a stipend to write her essay for the workshop. . (top) Books/Scripts
in Common for Spring 2008 Faculty Books/Scripts
in Common Fiction: Kirby Ganns Our Napoleon in Rags Students should check Blackboard for a complete list of pre-reading assignments. (top) Faculty
Advisory Committee (FAC) for Fall 2007
Joan Gumbs
recently started her own online travel agency called Jomi Travel.
Her target market are fellow writers who have to travel several times
per year to conferences, among other places, but usually have a hard
time securing affordable accommodation. For a flat fee, Ms. Gumbs will
secure air, hotel and transportation, if necessary. You can contact
Jomi Travel at 631-642-7831. There is also the option to secure bookings
on your own by visiting www.jomitravel.com.
All purchases generate free gifts, including flowers and gift cards. Kathleen Thompson (Fall 2003) is launching a business with her son, Stephen. Information on Word for Word for Word: Editing & Writing Services can be found at www.wordforwordforword.com. You know how to write: youve learned that at Spalding. Even the experienced writer, however, can benefit from a good editor. Look us over at the web site (still somewhat under construction) and see if what we do matches what you need. We will handle your words with the same dignity and care as if they were our own. You have our word. (top) Submissions of writing-related advertisements, such as calls for submission, services for writers, etc. may be made to mfanewsletter@spalding.edu. (top) Apply Now for U.S. Passport for Summer 2008 Travel: The American Society of Travel Agents recommends that anyone planning to travel abroad in 2008 apply for a passport now. A serious backlog developed this year due to new passport requirements, and the backlog is expected to continue. Students, alumni, and faculty who are planning (or even contemplating) travel to the U.K. for the Summer 2008 residency should apply for their passports as soon as possible. Financial Aid: The MFA Program offers scholarships to students
entering their first semester in the program. Returning students who
desire financial assistance should apply for graduate assistantships.
Applications for scholarships and assistantships should be directed
to the MFA Office. For deadlines and application information, check
Blackboard under SEMESTER and in the appropriate semester folder, look
for the Documents of Interest to All folder. For help with financial aid questions, call Vicki Montgomery at 800-896-8941 ext. 2731 or 502-585-9911, ext. 2731 or email vmontgomery@spalding.edu Students may enter or update their FAFSA information online at www.fafsa.ed.gov (top) Deferment Form. For students who receive notice their loans have gone into repayment while still enrolled in school. Fill out deferment form (available on Blackboard under Forms and Documents and fax to Jennifer Gohmann at 502-992-2424. Include the address and/or fax number of where the deferment form should go to in Section 7 (on the 2nd page). For multiple loans, fill out one deferment form per loan company. On the fax cover sheet, state that you are an MFA student. If you have questions, Jennifer's email is jgohmann@spalding.edu MFA Scholarship Fund: Donations to the MFA in Writing Scholarship
Fund may be made in honor of or in memory of
a friend or loved one or organization. To make a donation, contact (800)
896-8941, ext. 2257 or (502) 585-9911, ext. 2257. Online information: MFA in Writing forms, deadlines, and other student and faculty information are available online on Blackboard. Newsletters are at http://www.spalding.edu/mfanewsletter The web address is case sensitive. (top) Life of a Writer is an important newsletter column that reports on experiences around the writing life of our students, faculty, and alums. Email submissions to mfanewsletter@spalding.edu Life of a Writer pieces should be written as a paragraph in third person. It is helpful for alums to include their graduation semester, such as Jake Doe (Fall 2003). Spell out month and state names. Include name of work, publisher, date of publication, and Website addresses, when appropriate. (top) Below is a list of some of the kinds of activities that might be included in the Life of a Writer column.
On Extended Wings archives: To see previous issues of the newsletter, click here. Sena Jeter Naslund, Program Director |