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Vol.17 No. 1 Summer Residency: Buenos Aires Info Director's Workshop in Buenos Aires Opps for Alums in Buenos Aires Metroversity Contest: Deadline Feb. 15 Program Book in Common Spring 2010 Life of a Writer Personal
Classified: Short Story Contest
Faculty Advisory Committee for Fall 2009 Previous Newsletters |
Buenos Aires Residency:
Deadlines, Curriculum, and Events
The following faculty are teaching at the Buenos Aires residency and mentoring for the Summer 2010 semester.
In addition, Program Director Sena Jeter Naslund and Associate Program Director Kathleen Driskell are lecturing in Buenos Aires. Sena Jeter Naslund also offers the Director’s Workshop for students in third semester or higher and alums, in fiction, playwriting, and creative nonfiction (see below). Students receiving financial aid may charge transportation and housing costs to their student account. (top) As in the fall and spring semesters, the Summer 2010 semester focuses on the serious study of creative writing. During the Buenos Aires residency, students participate in workshops, attend lectures on the craft of writing specific to their area, plan future writing and reading in consultation with their mentor, attend panel discussions about publishing and other topics, and attend plenary lectures about principles that apply to all forms of creative writing. Cultural exploration and faculty and student readings round out the curriculum. In Buenos Aires, our cultural explorations include tango lessons and a tango show, visits to museums featuring work by Argentinian visual artists, walking tours of several neighborhoods with distinctive architecture, a visit to the country home of leading intellectual and literary figure Victoria Ocampo, and an overnight trip to the pampas with a focus on the seminal gaucho novel, Don Segundo Sombra. Following the residency, a nine-month semester at home gives students ample time for their writing and reading as they work one-on-one with their mentors. Students may complete the MFA degree by attending only the summer semesters, or they may mix summer semesters with those beginning with residency in Louisville. The Buenos Aires residency builds on our experiences conducting residencies in Paris in 2007, London and Bath in 2008, and Barcelona in 2009. For detailed information about residency plans, as well as for a detailed breakout of costs, students should go to Blackboard and click MFA in Writing Program>Semesters. (top) Director’s Workshop
in Buenos Aires Special Options for Alums
in Buenos Aires The MFA Directors encourage all currently enrolled MFA Students to enter the Kentuckiana Metroversity 2010 Writing Competition. Judged categories included fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, as well as expository writing. Our MFA students have a track record of doing quite well with their original writing in this contest. Students have also won prizes in past years after entering their ECEs in the academic writing category of this competition. This competition is free and offers cash prizes to students in Metroversity institutions. For contest guidelines and entry forms (which must accompany submissions), please look under Blackboard’s discussion board under CONTESTS. The deadline is February 13. Send submissions directly to the competition coordinators: Bryan Scichilone / Joseph Schmidt, Jefferson Community & Technical College, 109 E. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202.(top) New Opportunity: Film Adaptation Enrichment Course The Spalding MFA Program is offering an enrichment course in film adaptation during the Spring 2010 semester. This course is open to fiction or creative nonfiction students who would like to learn how to adapt prose writing to screenplays. MFA alumni who concentrated in fiction or creative nonfiction are also invited to enroll in this course. Students enroll in ENG650 (16 credits). This course is taken in addition to the four required core courses. Space is limited. At the Spring 2010 residency (May 21–30) in Louisville, the course begins with an intimate Film Adaptation Workshop led by a member of our screenwriting faculty. During this workshop, students are introduced to fundamental screenwriting structure, technique, and craft. Students also attend screenwriting lectures and sessions. For the at-home portion of the semester, students continue to work with a screenwriting mentor and submit original scriptwriting for film in each packet. Students may wish to work on a screenplay adapted from their own original fiction or creative nonfiction or material adapted from another writer. (top) ENG620 is a prerequisite for this course, but students do not have to submit a writing sample. Students interested in this course should contact Karen Mann no later than midsemester, February 28. Film Production Seminar
Spring 2010 Open to All Students Program Books in Common
for Spring 2010 1. David Kipen’s The Schreiber Theory Students should also view (in their entirety) the following films written by Steven Zaillion to prepare for residency discussions: Schindler’s List (1993); Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993); Gangs of New York (2002). DVDs of the films may be rented locally or checked out of local libraries. (top) Faculty Books/Scripts
in Common for Spring 2010 Fiction: Eleanor Morse, Chopin’s Garden (order from amazon.com) Subject Line Required in Emails Graduate Assistantship
Deadline February 28 Spring Post-Graduate Residency Assistant Deadline February 28 Reading Trail for MFA Authors Homecoming May 28-30 MFA Alumni Association The website for the MFA Alumni Association is http://www.spaldingmfaalum.com. If you have questions or are interested in working with this group, send Terry Price an email at terry@terryprice.net. Check out the Spalding MFA Alumni Facebook page. (top) Because You Asked Life of a Writer Larry Brenner had two screenplays, Soul Harvest and Super-Villain Prom, placed as semi-finalists in the Back in the Box Screenplay Competition. Another screenplay, Blood Chrysalis, was named runner-up in the Great Lakes Film Association Screenwriting Competition. His TV spec script The Pixie Mine Conundrum: A Big Bang Theory episode was a finalist in the Fall 2009 Talent Scout Competition. He was awarded a Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation grant toward producing his play, Saving Throw Versus Love next year. At present, Saving Throw Versus Love is a quarter-finalist in the Writer’s Network Competition, and Soul Harvest is a semi-finalist in the Screenplay Festival. Next month, his one-act play, The Box, will be going up in the Greensboro Fringe Festival. Carolyn Flynn, who is focusing on fiction and creative nonfiction, had an interview with Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the best-selling Eat, Pray, Love, about her new book, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage, in the Albuquerque Journal’s SAGE magazine, of which she is editor. She will have the honor of introducing Gilbert at her appearance in Albuquerque on Feb. 3. The interview is up online during January at abqjournal.com/sage. Joe Gisondi presented two sessions at the College Media Advisers national college journalism workshop in Austin, Texas, “Writing Sports Profiles” and “How to Write Visually.” He also served on a panel, “So You Want to Write a Textbook,” where he discussed his upcoming sports journalism textbook, published by Sage Publications in January. Corrine Jackson has officially become agented through Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary. On her blog, corrinejackson.wordpress.com, she posted an entry about how she got her agent. Before the agent called her, she found out on Twitter she was getting an offer. Her blog has exploded since the entry. Corrine launched the blog in the fall with tips on query letters, editing, and finding an agent. She recently reviewed Jay Asher’s New York Times bestseller, Thirteen Reasons Why, a contemporary young-adult novel. The review included a Q&A on the author’s writing process. Also, AuthorScoop.com did an article on her recently. Caroline LeBlanc reports that her poems “Rose Marie” and “Greater Love” were published in Le Forum (University of Maine, Franco-American Centre), Vol. 34, No. 3, Fall 2009. JoAnn LoVerde-Dropp attended the annual Georgia Writers Conference on November 7 at Kennesaw State University. (top) Richard (Rick) Neumayer invites the Spalding community to attend a professional reading of his lyrics and script for Sherlock in Love, the Musical, based on the novel by Sena Jeter Naslund, at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 14, in the Egan Leadership Center Lectorium, Fourth and Breckinridge, Louisville. Plenty of free parking is available nearby. Commentaries by the audience are welcome. Rick’s musicals, with David Sisk, have been produced several times at River Stage, Jeffersonville, Indiana. Tommy Trull reports that his musical Perseus in Suburbia will be produced at the Greensboro Fringe Festival in February. His play Outing the Badger will run at Little Fish Theatre in San Pedro, California, January through February, and his play Viewers Like You will run at Theatre Three in Port Jefferson, New York, February-March. (top) Dianne Aprile is among the writers whose work is included in Now Write Nonfiction, a compendium of writing lessons and exercises published in December by Tarcher/Penguin. Others in the book include Gay Talese, Philip Gerard, Mimi Schwartz, Lee Gutkind, Lia Purpura, Robert Atwan, and Judith Kitchen. Dianne’s exercise, which she has used in workshops at Spalding, is titled Lost & Found. Dianne returned to Louisville for a talk on January 14 at The Clifton Center on “The Writing Life,” as a benefit for Friends of the Library. The Louisville library sustained major damage during last summer’s flood. Dianne serves in January as the creative nonfiction judge of the 2010 student writing contest for Alligator Juniper, the literary journal of Arizona’s Prescott College. (top) Ellie Bryant’s short story collection, Full Bloom, has been published electronically by Brown Fedora Books and is available for download from BrownFedoraBooks.com. Full Bloom is a collection of sixteen short stories, each “peopled with real women, real men, teenagers, seniors—some are in love, some have lost love, some are dying and know how fleeting love and life can be. You will live out these quiet scenes with these individuals, with these families. You won’t forget any of them,” according to Brown Fedora Books. Kathleen Driskell led a poetry retreat at St. Marguerite’s Convent in Mendham, New Jersey, January 6-10. The retreat was organized by faculty member Susan Campbell Bartoletti for authors of children’s literature who have an interest in writing poetry. There were sixteen participants, including Gail Carson Levine (Ella Enchanted), MFA faculty member Joyce McDonald, Rebecca Stead (When You Reach Me) and Pam Muñoz Ryan (Esperanza Rising). At 7 p.m. February 22, Kathleen reads with Katy Lederer in the 21C Reading Series presented by Sarabande Books. The reading takes place at 21C Hotel in downtown Louisville. On March 8, she reads at Molly Malone’s in Chicago and will present her work on March 11 at the Women and Creativity Series at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Four Branches has accepted three of her poems for publication. Her work was recently anthologized in What Comes Down to Us: Twenty-Five Contemporary Kentucky Poets (University Press of Kentucky, 2009). (top) Richard Goodman’s new book, A New York Memoir, will be published in fall 2010. His essay, “The Man Who Gave Me Japan,” appears in the January issue of Michigan Today. His essay, “L’Inondation: Helping Them Dig Out of It in Nîmes,” will be published in The Best Travel Writing 2010 from Travelers’ Tales. “Take the ‘A’ Train,” an essay he read at Spalding University, will appear in the spring issue of River Teeth. Robin Lippincott read, along with Sena Jeter Naslund, at the University of Alabama/Huntsville on January 20 and 21. He also reads in Orlando, Florida, at Infusion Tea on January 27 and Urban Think Bookstore on January 30. Jody Lisberger was one of the guest writers for the Spectrum Series in the Arts at the University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, under Nancy McCabe’s directorship. Jody did a reading there October 27. On October 10, Jody gave a fiction reading at the KGB Bar, in New York City. She also was interviewed on the radio program Accents WRFL 88.1FM, hosted by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer (Fall 2009). Check out the interview at katerinaklemer.com/audio/accents_101609.mp3. At the University of Rhode Island, Jody has been named an assistant professor and director of the women’s studies program. On October 24, she presented a paper at the SUNY Cortland Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies Conference, “Succeeding as Women in Higher Education.” Her paper was “The Politics of Data: What the EEOC Compliance Chart Conceals and So Perpetuates as ‘Normative’ and How Second and Third Wave Feminist Strategies Might Respond and Offer Best Practices for Change.” Jody has been invited back to SUNY Cortland on March 5 for a Women’s History Month fiction reading and talk called “Writing Down the Body.” (top) Nancy McCabe’s essay in the spring 2008 edition of The Louisville Review, “Running Away from Home,” made the Best American Essays 2009 Notable List, and the essay she read in Barcelona this past summer, “The Art of Losing,” has been accepted to Colorado Review. This fall she hosted readings by fellow Spalding faculty Mary Yukari Waters and Jody Lisberger as part of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford’s Spectrum Arts series, and, with celebrity biographer Rob Simbeck, gave two community workshops in Bradford and St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania, on writing personal and family history. Joyce McDonald participated in the Seventh Annual Poetry Retreat organized by Spalding faculty member Susan Campbell Bartoletti. Gail Carson Levine, Pam Muñoz Ryan, and Elizabeth Winthrop were among the sixteen authors of children’s and young adult literature who attended from January 7-10. Kathleen Driskell, this year’s poet-in-residence, led the workshops. In mid-October, Joyce gave an evening reading for the community of Hammonton, New Jersey. Earlier that day she spoke to the students at Hammonton High School. The all-day event focused on Swallowing Stones, New Jersey’s 2006 One Book New Jersey selection. (top) Sena Jeter Naslund is teaching during spring 2010 at the University of Alabama-Huntsville as eminent scholar. With Robin Lippincott, she has given a program titled “Art and Artists in Contemporary Literature” and “Atrocity in Contemporary Literature.” Her first public presentation of her new novel, Adam & Eve, occurred at the Huntsville Public Library in a program titled “Information and Imagination: The Writing of Adam & Eve, the Novel.” On February 2, she presents a talk titled “When I Write a Woman, She Has Friends” for the American Association of University Women at 6 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Huntsville. Sena and MFA student Rick Neumayer invite the Spalding community and friends to attend a professional reading of Rick’s lyrics and script Sherlock in Love, the Musical, based on Sena’s novel, with music by David Sisk, at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 14, in the Egan Leadership Center Lectorium, Fourth and Breckinridge. Plenty of free parking is available nearby. Screenwriting instructor Brad Riddell was recently appointed to the Kentucky Film Commission by Gov. Steve Beshear. Brad contributed a chapter to the forthcoming book, Now Write: Screenwriting, which will be published by Tarcher/Penguin in September 2010. Brad was recently interviewed by Scr(i)pt Magazine for an article on taking meetings in Hollywood. Brad also looks forward to serving on the jury for the Derby City Film Festival in Louisville on February 18-21. (top) Deborah Begel (Spring 2006) won third place in the New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest in the November 16 issue. Also, in response to a writing assignment, two ninth-graders in her English classes at Mesa Vista High School won first and third places in the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Winter Tales Contest. Their poems were published in the newspaper’s arts magazine, Pasatiempo, on December 25. Lisa Groen Braner’s (Spring 2009) essay “The Watch” will be published in the Spring 2010 issue of Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction. She also was recently invited to teach a class on the lyric essay to undergraduate creative nonfiction students at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. (top) In September, Glenny Brock (Spring 2007) began her seventh year as editor-in-chief of Birmingham Weekly (bhamweekly.com), the largest independently owned weekly newspaper in Alabama. The October 22, 2009, issue of the Weekly featured Glenny’s interview with Pulitzer Prize winner Annette Gordon-Reed as its cover story. Beginning in December, Glenny travels in India with her steady fella, photographer Bradford Daly (bradbrad.com). The six-week trip should yield, at the least, some magnificent postcards and at least one passable essay, she says. Bobbi Buchanan (Fall 2004) was interviewed for the Front Pages column in Louisville Magazine’s November issue. She hosted a reading for contributors to the fourth New Southerner print anthology at Carmichael’s Bookstore in October 2009 and worked with poet and writer Michael Jackman on a music and spoken word event to benefit Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (held December 13 at Quills Coffee in Louisville). Bobbi helped the Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty circulate a letter for Kentucky writers to sign urging the governor and state’s attorney general to suspend executions in Kentucky until an independent panel can review the state’s death penalty system. (top) David Carren (Fall 2005) reports that The Red Queen, a feature film that he wrote and directed for UTPA and Green Queen Productions, won an honorable mention in the 2009 Los Angeles Reel Film Festival. Amy Watkins Copeland (Spring 2006) read Amit Majmudar’s poem “James Bond Suite” for Linebreak.org on December 15. The magazine publishes one poem per week along with audio of another poet reading the poem. Amy’s poems “The Human Object” and “Ghazal: Wind” lead off the current issue of Kestrel. (top) Dave DeGolyer’s (Fall 2006) alter-ego, Lafayette Wattles, has had his poem “List of Faults” accepted for publication in Plain Spoke. Sonja de Vries (Fall 2009) announces that “SS Soldier” and “Soldier in the Canal” will appear in the next issue of The Potomac. Joan Donaldson’s (Spring 2008) fourth book, On Viney’s Mountain, was released by Holiday House in November and has received good reviews from Kirkus Review and Booklist. To celebrate the novel, Historic Rugby, Tennessee, hosted a book signing for Joan. Also, she had three essays included in the anthology At Home in the Garden published by Ideals. Stacia M. Fleegal (Fall 2006) has poems forthcoming in The Heartland Review and Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, and recently received a Pushcart nomination. (top) Karen George (Spring 2009) received an Artist Enrichment Grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women. Thea Gavin (Spring 2005) had her poem “Mystery Rider” accepted for the anthology Poets of the American West, due out later this year. She is presenting at AWP with a panel from RATTLE’s Cowboy and Western Poetry issue on “Stagecoaching for the Page,” and she continues to lead nature writing hikes in Orange County’s “back country” as a volunteer naturalist with the Irvine Ranch Conservancy and the Laguna Canyon Foundation. (top) Maureen Mahoney Gillis (Spring 2004) is co-authoring a chapter in a textbook for teachers and researchers to be published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. The chapter was written with a Roger Williams University professor and is called “Building Bridges Across the Atlantic: The Impact of Technology-Facilitated Classroom Partnerships on Cultural Competency and Language Skills.” It will be included in the book Emerging Technologies in Learning: Impact on Cognition and Culture. The book encompasses the technological influence on learning and cognition from a cultural perspective. Joey Goebel (Fall 2006) went on a short book tour of Germany in October to promote his novel Commonwealth (known as Heartland in Germany). Goebel read at bookstores, rock clubs, and theaters in Hamburg, Gottingen, Heidelberg, and Munich. The last reading was in Zurich, Switzerland. Tara Goldstein (Fall 2006) was invited to do a reading of her latest play, Harriet’s House, at the International Women Playwright’s Conference in Mumbai, India, this past November. The play, which is about international adoption in a same-sex family, will be produced by Tara’s production company, Gailey Road Productions, in June as part of Toronto’s Pride Festival. Tara has a new Gailey Road Productions web site (gaileyroad.com) and a new blog site (gaileyroad.blogspot.com), which documents her journey of producing Harriet’s House. Lydia Griffin (Fall 2008) reports that Jackson Hole Middle School received a grant to have her co-teach a historical fiction unit for sixth graders. Lydia spent two months with the students, presented fifteen workshops, and co-authored a historical fiction curriculum guide for all interested teachers in the Teton County school district. (top) Jeanne Haggard (Fall 2006) reports that her short play, The Pyre of Suttee, was selected for production in the Raider Red One-Act Play Spectacular (RROAPS) at Texas Tech University. The production is scheduled for March 29-April 4 at the Maedgen Laboratory Theatre on the Texas Tech campus. RROAPS is an annual production of student written work, directed and produced by students in the theatre and dance department. All playwrights will receive an individual response to their work from a guest respondent. David Harrity (Fall 2007) finished up his final teaching stint at Asbury Seminary in November with a writing workshop about “Vision and Prophecy.” He recently found out that he will be a panelist at the Festival of Faith and Writing in April. The panel, including poets Todd Davis and Susanna Childress, will discuss psalm writing. He has poems forthcoming from The Los Angeles Review and The Portland Review. David Hassler (Spring 2004) recently served as general reviewer and technical editor for Writing Fiction for Dummies (December 2009), one of the Wiley series of For Dummies books. A board member of the Writer’s Center of Indiana, David is working with another board member on a proposal to write another book in this series, so keep the fingers crossed! (top) Chris Helvey (Fall 2006) had his poem “Blue Veins in the Mau Mau Universe” published on Old City Cool (oldcitycool.com, under archives). Chris is teaching a short story workshop for the Thorn Hill Learning Center in Frankfort, Kentucky, where he was recently appointed writer-in-residence. His short story “Fifty-Dollar, Fifty-Dollar” has been selected as a finalist in the New Southerner Literary Contest. He has launched Trajectory, a new literary journal, with a short story contest. Trajectory is also now accepting poems, cnf, b&w photos and art, as well as short stories. For details on the contest, submitting, and subscribing, please see the classified section of this newsletter. Edie Hemingway (Spring 2004) is pleased to announce that her middle-grade novel, Road to Tater Hill (Delacorte Press), has won a 2009 Parents’ Choice Gold Award. (top) Patty Houston (Fall 2008) reports that her short story “Shooting Real People” appears in Parting Gifts, Winter 2009-10 issue. In early January, the Ohio Arts Council awarded Patty an Individual Excellence Award. Cyn Kitchen (Spring 2005) reports that her first book, a collection of short stories called The Right to Remain Silent, has been accepted for publication by Motes Books. Most of the collection was written while Cyn was a student at Spalding, so her debt of gratitude to some amazing mentors, workshop leaders and peers runs deep. The book is due out in fall 2010. Katrina Kittle (Fall 2008) reports that her fourth novel finally has an official title and publication date. HarperCollins will release The Blessings of the Animals on July 20. In the meantime, Katrina is teaching a fiction class at the Word’s Worth Writing Center in Dayton, Ohio, and working on her next novel. (top) Dan Nowak (Spring 2007) presented a paper titled “Rolling Up Our Sleeves: Asking Questions of Working Class Images in Contemporary Poetry” at the Midwest Popular Culture Association conference in Detroit on October 30. His chapbook, Burning the Arson Dictionary: Poems for Thomas McGrath, was recently released by RockSaw Press. Linda Busby Parker (Fall 2003) announces that Excalibur Press released another Christmas anthology, Christmas Is a Season 2009. Readings were held in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. In 2010, Excalibur Press will publish a nonfiction book and possibly one work of fiction.
Linda nominated two pieces by Spalding grads for Pushcart Prizes. She nominated Mary Popham’s (Fall 2003) short story, “Home for Christmas–Bardstown, Kentucky, 1910,” because it so elegantly captures the sights, sounds, and people of rural Kentucky in the first decade of the twentieth century. Mary also captured the essence of the Christmas season—a desire to be with family and hope for the future. Linda nominated Kathleen Thompson (Fall 2003) for a Pushcart for her short story, “Finding the Lord,” in which Kathleen creates a character, Clyde, who is as quirky as Ignatius Reilly in John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces.
Linda taught a creative writing workshop in Jefferson, Texas, on January 13 and 14. She spoke on a panel at the Pulpwood Queens Book Club on January 15 in Jefferson. She continues to teach fiction writing at the University of South Alabama and The Writer’s Loft at Middle Tennessee State University. (top) Tom Pierce (Fall 2005) received an honorable mention for his short story “Too Little, Too Late” from Glimmer Train magazine during its fall Family Matters story competition. Tom also accepted a position as adjunct English instructor for Keiser University. (top) Mary Popham (Fall 2003) has published the following book reviews in the Courier-Journal (Louisville): September 2009: The Year I Saved My (downsized) Soul by Carol Orsborn; October 2009: Lies My Mother Never Told Me by Kaylie Jones; November 2009: Plundering Appalachia, edited by Tom Butler and George Wuerthner. Mary also has had book reviews in ForeWord Magazine–September/October 2009: Where I Must Go by Angela Jackson and Millie’s Fling, by Jill Mansell; November/December 2009: Enduring, by Donald Harington. She has had book reviews published in the Louisville-based New Southerner Magazine (Fall 2009: A Pearl in the Storm, by Tori Murden McClure) and Kentucky’s BookClub@KET (October 2009, Upheaval, by Chris Holbrook). Mary received a Pushcart nomination and published a short story in Excalibur Press’ anthology, Christmas Is a Season! 2009. The story was “Home for Christmas: Bardstown, Kentucky, 1910.” (top) Diana Raab (Fall 2003) has collected essays from well-published writers on their journaling habits and compiled a book called Writers and Their Notebooks, which she edited. The book was released in January by the University of South Carolina Press. The collection includes essays from Sue Grafton, Robin Hemley, Dorianne Laux, Kim Stafford, Michael Steinberg, Michelle Wildgen, James Brown, and John DuFresne, to name a few. The foreword is by renowned essayist Phillip Lopate. In November 2009 she gave a workshop at the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference called “Memoir: From Journal to Manuscript.” Also in November, her book, Your High Risk Pregnancy: A Practical and Supportive Guide, co-authored with Dr. Errol Norwitz from Yale School of Medicine, was released in its 25th anniversary edition. Check out Diana’s web site, dianaraab.com, and blog, dianaraab.wordpress.com. Rosemary Royston (Fall 2009) announces that her chapbook entry for the 2009 Jessie Bryce Niles Chapbook Contest by The Comstock Writer’s Group was selected as one of five honorable mentions. The chapbook entry, “Two Minutes Shy,” was a collection of many of the poems found in Royston’s creative thesis. Royston will have three poems featured in the upcoming anthology, Echoes of Blue Ridge, published by the NC Writer’s Network, Netwest. (top) Pamela Steele (Spring 2004) reports that her poem “Hands” is set to be published in the anthology Poets of the American West, forthcoming in June. Katerina Stoykova-Klemer (Fall 2009) has launched Accents Publishing, an independent press for brilliant voices (accents-publishing.com). Accents Publishing is happy to announce the Spalding Series of poetry chapbooks featuring the works of students and alumni from the Spalding MFA in Writing program. On January 31, Katerina is reading with Spalding alumni Angela Jackson-Brown (Fall 2009) and poet Sheri Wright in Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville. In December 2009, Katerina did a series of readings and radio and TV interviews in Bulgaria to promote her bilingual book, The Air Around the Butterfly. Her English-language chapbook, The Most, will become available from Finishing Line Press on March 5. (top) Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen (Spring 2003) sold her young adult novel The Raft in a two-book deal to Feiwel and Friends. Her new picture book, A Small Brown Dog with a Wet Pink Nose (Little Brown Books for Young Readers), came out January 1. Her YA novel The Compound recently sold in Italian, in addition to being available in Chinese, Dutch, German, and Vietnamese. Kathleen Thompson (Fall 2003) reports that her Road Scholar poetry workshop was renewed by Alabama Humanities Foundation for 2010 and a lecture on fiction writing was added. On December 3, Kathleen spent the morning at LAMP school in Montgomery giving poetry workshops. Her short story “Finding the Lord” was published in Christmas Is A Season! 2009, edited by Linda Busby Parker (Fall 2003), Excalibur Press. Kathleen participated in one of several book signings around the state at Little Professor Books & Café in Birmingham on December 19. Linda has nominated Kathleen’s story and Mary Popham’s (Fall 2003) Home for Christmas–Bardstown, Kentucky, 1910 for the Pushcart Prize. Kathleen’s short story “Woman’s Wait” is forthcoming online in the first issue of 2010, Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal. (top) Gretchen Tremoulet (Fall 2007) reports that The Chariton Review published her story “The Collector” in the Fall 2009 issue. The literary review is a publication of the Truman State University Press. Frank X Walker (Spring 2003), who was writer-in-residence at Northern Kentucky University, has joined the faculty of the University of Kentucky English Department. Walker is editor and publisher of PLUCK! The Journal of Affrilachian Arts & Culture, which can be read online at pluckonline.com. Vickie Weaver (Fall 2005) served as judge for Alligator Juniper’s 2010 Suzanne Tito Prize in Fiction. She attended the Gathering of Writers and Readers at The Writer’s Center of Indiana on November 7 in Indianapolis. She lunched there with Claudia Labin (Spring 2007). (top) Jonathan Weinert (Fall 2005) has poems forthcoming in Washington Square Review, Copper Nickel, and Salamander, and a broadside of his poem “Mortal Economy” is forthcoming from Blue Satellite Press. At the second annual Massachusetts Poetry Festival this past October, Jonathan taught a workshop on found poems and co-judged a poetry contest for high school poets. Charles Dodd White (Fall 2009) received an acceptance for his Appalachian novel, Lambs of Men. Casperian Books will publish the novel in fall 2010. His short story “Hawkins’s Boy” will be published in the February edition of PANK, along with a short interview. (top) Personals Our heartfelt sympathy to Alice Gorman (Spring 2005)on the death of her mother, Alice Berry Condon Hoguet, on December 4. Classified FAC members are announced by the MFA Office at the beginning of each semester. The Program Director consults with the FAC about recommendations for admissions and about programmatic and administrative development and changes. Both faculty and students are invited to make suggestions to the FAC for exploration by the Program Director and larger faculty. However, students and faculty should directly and immediately consult the Associate Program Director about any issues concerning specific individuals’ performance in the program. Apply Now for U.S. Passport for Summer 2010 Travel: Students, alumni, and faculty who are planning travel to the Buenos Aires Summer 2010 residency should apply for their passports as soon as possible. Financial Aid: The MFA Program offers scholarships to students entering their first semester in the program. Returning students who desire financial assistance other than student loans should apply for graduate assistantships. Applications for scholarships and assistantships should be directed to the MFA Office. Information for assistantships is on Blackboard under SEMESTERS/ [your semester]/ DOCUMENTS: GENERAL INTEREST. Federal student loans are available to all eligible graduate students and are available for the fall, spring, or summer semesters. For help with financial aid questions, call Vickie Montgomery at (800) 896-8941, ext. 2731 or email vmontgomery@spalding.edu. Students may enter or update their FAFSA information online at fafsa.ed.gov. Classifieds in the newsletter: Submissions of writing-related advertisements, such as calls for submission, services for writers, etc., may be made to mfanewsletter@spalding.edu Online information: Newsletters are archived online at spalding.edu/mfanewsletter. For convenience, bookmark this page. The web address is case sensitive. (top) Life of a Writer: Please remember to email Life of a Writer news to the program at mfanewsletter@spalding.edu because this is a vital part of our community—to sharing writing successes. The Program wants to share good news with everyone and compiles records of publications, presentations, readings, employment, and other related information on faculty, students, and alums. Examples of kinds of activities that might be included in the Life of a Writer column are publishing in journals or magazines or in book form, winning awards or other prizes, giving a public reading, visiting a classroom to talk about writing, judging a writing competition, attending a writers conference, serving on a panel about writing, or volunteering in a project about writing or literacy. (top) About The Masthead:
The image in our masthead is a photograph of a Louisville fountain, “River Horse,” by Louisville sculptor Barney Bright. The sculpture references both the location of Louisville as a river city on the banks of the Ohio and as the host, for more than 125 years, of the Kentucky Derby. The winged horse Pegasus, of Greek mythology, has long been associated with the literary arts and the wings of poesy. Sena Jeter Naslund, Program Director Master of Fine Arts in Writing •Spalding University
Sena Jeter Naslund, Program Director |