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Vol. 25 No. 1 Spring 2014 Program BIC: Turn Me Loose: The Unghosting of Medgar Evers> Faculty Announced for Summer 2014 Semester AWP 2014: Spalding MFA Gathering in Seattle Fleur-de-Lis Press Book Wins Ippy Award Teaching Workshop Offered during Spring 2014 Residency Kathleen Driskell's New Online Office Hours Recapping the Fall 2013 Residency Alums: Mark Your Calendar for MFA Homecoming 2014 Tell Us About Your Service Projects! Facebook Fanpage Posts Contest and Other Information Alumni Access to MFA News and Residency Lectures LIFE OF A WRITERFaculty Advisory Committee (FAC) Previous Newsletters See other issues of On Extended Wings
Spring 2014 Program Book in Common: Turn Me Loose: The Unghosting of Medgar Evers> Welcome Back, Carolyn Crimi!
Faculty Announced for Summer 2014 Semester
AWP 2014: Spalding MFA Gathering in Seattle Fleur-de-Lis Press Book Wins Ippy Award Teaching Workshop Offered during Spring 2014 Residency
Kathleen Driskell's New Online Office Hours
Recapping the Fall 2013 Residency
Alums: Mark Your Calendar for MFA Homecoming 2014
Homecoming has been expanded to four days this year to better accommodate out-of-town travelers. For the first time, alums can book their rooms at the Brown Hotel through the MFA Office for $99 a night. Look for more details in the coming weeks. Alumni interested in participating in the Celebration of Recently Published Books should contact Bonnie Johnson at BonnieOmer@aol.com. To reserve a table at the SPLoveFest book expo, contact Mary Lou Northern at marynorthern@yahoo.com. Look for more information about the MFA Homecoming from the Alumni Association in coming days. (top) Creating Community
Tell Us About Your Service Projects! Deadline dates My Profile on MFA portal page Spalding Email Accounts Check Out the MFA Blog Facebook Fanpage Posts Contest and Other Information MFA Alumni Association Alumni Access to MFA News and Residency Lectures (top)
Life of a Writer Karylanne Geary (CNF) will be presenting her feminist literary analysis, “Ball Cutters and Matriarchal Juggernauts: Rape Culture in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” as part of the 2014 Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. The conference will be held February 20–22 at the University of Louisville. Holly Gleason (CNF/F) wrote the Patty Griffin cover story in the current Lone Star Music magazine and has a feature profile on award-winning songwriter Matraca Berg in the Oxford American’s music issue, on stands through March. Jeffrey Fischer-Smith’s (PW) short play, Reservations, was included in The Secret Theatre’s Long Island City One-Act Play Festival in January. The play was performed four times over a two-week period. The play formerly called Edgar & Mae) was workshopped at last year’s summer residency in Ireland. Alice-Catherine Jennings’s (P) poem “Henry VIII—The Manticore” is forthcoming in the May 2014 issue of First Literary Review-East. In addition, she hosts a virtual literary salon every month via a Facebook group. Upcoming book selections include Paradise Lost by John Milton (March 15) and The Iliad of Homer and Omerus by Derek Walcott (May 1). Free and open to readers worldwide. Message alice.jennings104@facebook.com to join. Kendra Langdon Juskus’s (P) poems “Laundry” and “Little Boy” were published in the Fall 2013 issue of Fifth Wednesday Journal (http://www.fifthwednesdayjournal.com/order/issus/fall_2013.shtml), under the guest poetry editorship of Jackie K. White. Fifth Wednesday Journal is an independent literary journal out of Lisle, Illinois, committed to the idea that contemporary literature and photography are essential components of a vibrant and enduring culture. Kendra also participated in a Fifth Wednesday Journal-sponsored reading in Illinois in December. Journey McAndrews (P) was awarded a 2013 Artist Enrichment Grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women to help further her work on a collection of poetry exploring the lives and relationships of four women from Central Kentucky. For more information, contact Journey at mcandrews.jw@gmail.com. Heather Meyer’s (PW) new short satire, Dream Job, is currently being produced as part of the Raucous Caucus Political Theater Festival in Minneapolis. She’s also been selected to stay up all night to write a play as part of Theatre Unbound’s 24hr Theater Project. This spring, Heather will reprise her role as producer/director/writer in the remount of her play Women’s History Month: The Historical Comedybration (with fabulous prizes), performing in Minneapolis in March, www.comedybration.com. In other time zones, Heather’s play Stepmother’s Manifesto will premiere at Left Coast Theater in San Francisco this March and April.
Jami Powell (CNF) was recently named a nonfiction finalist in the 2013 New Southerner Literary Contest. Her essay “American Coot” appears in the 2013 New Southerner Literary Edition and is also available online at http://newsoutherner.com.
Atul Rao’s (SW) streak of writing children’s television continues as his episodes of Ella the Elephant will air on Disney Channel in Spring 2014, and Transformers: Rescuebots, Season 2, is now airing on the Hub. In October he was hired as a writer on a new preschool show called You and Me, through DHX Media & CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), writing multiple episodes on this mixed-media show. It is described as Mr. Rogers meets Blues Clues meets Adventure Time as each episode takes the audience on interactive adventures in a world of puppets, animation, and fun characters. The show begins airing in September. If that weren’t enough on his plate, he is working as a development producer with wrestling entrepreneur Carl DeMarco (former present of WWE) on a new CGI family comedy series about . . . you guessed it . . . wrestling. Kristin Brace’s (F ’12) interview was posted on November 12 on The Writers Job, a new website created by the Purdue MFA in Creative Writing program. Her poem “Empty Boats” appeared in the Fall 2013 issue of The Louisville Review, and her interview with poet Jack Ridl was featured on the Colorado Review blog on October 29. Five poems were published in vol. 36, issue 2 (Fall 2013) of The Chariton Review: “Portrait of Valentine Gode-Darel,” “The Year of the Cicada,” “sometimes a sadness comes of which you feel ashamed,” “Age Sixteen: The Spring of No Return,” and “The Geography of Now.” Becky Browder’s (F ’12) short story “The Russian Bride” appears in the January 2014 issue of Big Muddy: A Journal of the Mississippi River Valley. Becky worked on the story with her final semester mentor, K. L. Cook, and workshop leader Phil Deaver. “The Russian Bride” also received Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train’s 2012 Family Matters Competition and was a Finalist in the 2012 William Faulkner/William Wisdom Short Story Competition. Shannon Cavanaugh (F ’13) had two short stories published in New Southerner’s December issue. The stories “Buck Snort” and “Pull Me a Green Onion” placed as finalists in the journal’s recent literary competition. They were published under the pen name Fate Thompson. Cavanaugh and other writers read from their works at a special reading held in Louisville on January 18. In another competition, Cavanaugh’s creative nonfiction piece “Death on a Creek Bank” won first place as best nature article, and her short story “The Communion” won honorable mention in the Gene Andereck Short Story category. Both were judged by the Ozarks Writers League. Thea Gavin (P ’05) had two poems recently published: “Growing Giant Pumpkins” in the Fall issue of Greenprints, and “Drifting through Cottonwood Duff” in the Summer issue of the Naugatuck River Review. She has two poems forthcoming: “Succession” will be published in Measure: A Review of Formal Poetry 9.1, and “Dolor, Inc.” in Workers Write! More Tales from the Cubicle. Her essay about hiking barefoot across the Grand Canyon has been accepted for the 2014 Vishnu Temple Press anthology of Grand Canyon essays, edited by Rick Kempa. Another essay, “The First Barefoot Steps,” appeared on December 10 on the Barefoot Beginner website. Thea’s panel proposal “Voices from the Outpost: Wild Words for Wallowa County, OR” was accepted for the 2014 AWP conference in Seattle. She continues to blog about her adventures at Barefoot Wandering and Writing. Robert X. Golphin (SW ’13) is the writer-director of “The Counterparts,” a narrative web series in which he stars opposite Kristen Gabrielle Sledge (daughter of Grammy-nominated international recording artist Kathy Sledge of Sister Sledge). The slice-of-life domestic drama is executive produced by international recording artist Julie McKnight (an MTV2 Music Award winner who has written and/or performed with Earth, Wind and Fire; The Emotions; and her former husband, Brian McKnight). The series premiered online January 3. A trailer and poster for the film have been released at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkOrFRGfT0. Michael Wayne Hampton (F ’05) signed to the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency, which also represents authors such as Amy Tan and Maxine Hong Kingston. His agent, Roz Foster, is currently in the process of selling his punk-rock YA novel The Dream Academy. His tweet essay “1985” appeared in the November newsletter for Creative Non-fiction. Colleen S. Harris-Keith (P ’09) ran off and married the love of her life, Jed Waters Harris-Keith, on April 27, 2013. Jed will be starting his MFA at Spalding in summer 2014. Colleen reports that she has accepted a position as a member of the library faculty at California State University – Channel Islands, which she will begin July 1. In writing news, Colleen’s poetry manuscript, Rise Fall Rise, was selected as a semifinalist for the 2013 Trio House Press Louise Bogan Award. Heather Jones (PW ’08) took her play The Hoarder’s Child to the Asheville Fringe Festival, where the piece won Most Inspiring Work; she also self-published the play, and it can be purchased on blurb.com. Her play Ventriloquy, based on Charles Brockden Brown’s 1798 novel Wieland, was presented as a staged reading in the Reading on the Rocks series at the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. Heather read her poem “The Acrobat” at a poetry reading event at the Morean Arts Center in St. Pete, and she read excerpts from her novel-in-progress, Tennessee Murder Ballad, as the featured reader at St. Pete fiction open mic, Wordier than Thou. This past year she began teaching composition at University of South Florida-St. Pete, along with literature classes and intro to creative writing. She began teaching dramatic writing in January. Heather also co-founded Keep St. Pete Lit, a literary organization with a mission to preserve the past and foster the future of literature and writing in St. Pete. KSP-Lit hosted or co-hosted 13 events between August and December, beginning with a city-wide book club reading Kerouac’s On the Road, and including an evening of poetry in the local nature preserve. Teddy Jones’s (F ’12) novel, Jackson’s Pond, Texas was published in trade paperback and e-book by MidTown Publishing in October. The release carries cover blurbs by three Spalding faculty who mentored her during the novel’s development—Robin Lippincott, Philip F. Deaver, and Eleanor Morse. Nancy Chen Long (P ’12) is ecstatic that Red Bird Chapbooks has published her first chapbook, Clouds as Inkblots for the War Prone. The chapbook contains poems she wrote as part of the 2013 Pulitzer Remix Project (http://www.pulitzerremix.com/), sponsored by Found Poetry Review (http://www.foundpoetryreview.com). For the project, poets wrote one poem a day from a Pulitzer Prize-winning work of fiction. Nancy was assigned the 1949 Pulitzer winner Guard of Honor, by James Gould Cozzens. Poets were challenged to create poems that varied in topic and theme from the original text, rather than merely regurgitating the novels in poetic form. More information about Nancy’s chapbook can be found at http://www.redbirdchapbooks.com/nancy-chen-long.html. Nancy also recently published poems in Sycamore Review, Cold Mountain Review, Naugatuck River Review, and Stone Highway Review. The poem “Curry” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by The Louisville Review. During the fall and winter, Nancy, along with other members of Spalding’s own Brewhouse Poets, read at the Spoken Word Stage, one of the events at the Bloomington (Indiana) Fourth-Street Arts Fair. She also read at the annual reading of the Five Woman Poets, a local poetry group comprised of women of a certain age. And she did an extended reading as a featured reader at the Fountain Square Poetry Series, sponsored by the local Writers Guild, in which she read along with three other poets interspersed with music by the Bloomington Peace Choir. For the creative nonfiction writers of the community, she coordinated a CNF workshop and served as a participant in a panel discussion on CNF (along with Alyce Miller, who teaches at IU, and Alex Chambers, a PhD student), in which she discussed the process of publication in journals and small presses, including a survey of online resources. Marilyn Moss (CNF ’09) was honored to have her new book, Bill Moss: Fabric Artist & Designer, chosen for the New York Times 2013 Holiday Gift Guide (http://www.nytimes.com/projects/2013/holiday-gift-guide/#/?page=books). Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen (W4CYA ’03) sold two more YA novels to Feiwel and Friends/Macmillan, writing as S.A. Bodeen. Last fall she went on the Fierce Reads tours for her latest release, The Fallout, visiting eight cities in nine days, including the Austin Teen Book Fest. She was also a presenter at the Heartland Fall Forum for Independent Booksellers in Chicago, Wordstock in Portland, and the Indiana Federation of Libraries annual conference, where she received the Young Hoosier Award for her first YA novel, The Compound. Last fall she also accepted the Oregon Spirit Award for her novel The Raft and went on weeklong school visit trips to Indiana and Texas. Amy Watkins’s (P ’06) essay “The Myth of the Starfish” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine. Her poetry chapbook, Milk and Water, will be published by Yellow Flag Press early in 2014.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti was re-elected to another two-year term as a trustee for the Highlights Foundation (www.HighlightsFoundation.org) and will meet with Trustee president and former Highlights for Children publisher Kent Brown to discuss future program planning. In December, she turned in a still-untitled nonfiction book on the subject of Mary Mallon, better known as “Typhoid Mary,” to be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2015. This spring, she will be speaking at Harding University (Searcy, Arkansas), at a Holocaust program at the Phoenix Public Library (Arizona), at the John F. Kennedy Library (Boston), at Lock Haven University (Lock Haven, Pennsylvania), and at the Eastern Pennsylvania SCBWI retreat (Boyds Mills, Pennsylvania). When she’s not traveling, she’ll be abridging Oliver Stone’s and Peter Kuznick’s The Untold History of the United States for a younger audience and taking notes and dreaming about her next novel. Gabriel Dean’s play Qualities of Starlight recently swept the B. Iden Payne Awards in Austin, Texas. It garnered Outstanding Production of a Comedy, Vortext Rep Theatre; Outstanding Direction of a Comedy, Rudy Ramirez; Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy, Toby Minor; Outstanding Ensemble Performance, Jennifer Underwood and Dennis Bailey; Outstanding Set Design, Ann Marie Gordon; Outstanding Original Script, Gabriel Jason Dean; Special Certificate, Helen Parish, Props. Gabriel was also commissioned by The Flea in New York City to write a play as part of their upcoming Mysteries Play Project in 2014. His play Javaaneh (In Bloom) had its Broadway option renewed by producer Ken Davenport. Gabriel’s play Terminus was read on November 11 at the Lark Play Development Center in NYC and is scheduled for reading in March at the Playwright’s Center in Minneapolis. He was recently named a 2014 Dramatist’s Guild Fellow. His play D’Angelico was optioned for film by Riovey Films; Gabriel will write the screenplay. During the spring semester, Gabriel is teaching playwriting as a guest artist at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Robin Lippincott’s personal essay about Janis Joplin, growing up in Central Florida in the 1960s, and more, which he read from a few residencies ago, has been published in the latest issue of Bloom Literary Journal (Vol. 9). His graphic short story, “When It Dawns on Them,” edited by alum Kristin Matly Dennis and illustrated by alum AshleyRose Sullivan, and from which he also read at residency, is now available as an e-book on Amazon. Eleanor Morse’s third novel, White Dog Fell from the Sky, was published in paperback through Penguin Books in late 2013. She’ll be giving talks in seven cities in southern California in May. When details and dates are firmed up, they will be posted at www.eleanormorse.com. Sena Jeter Naslund made a January visit to Phoenix and Tuscon, Arizona, to speak with five separate book clubs, sponsored by Northern Trust Bank, as well as with high school students, to discuss her most recent novel, The Fountain of St. James Court; or, Portrait of the Artist as an Old Woman. On Feb. 8, Sena presents a talk and slide show to the Birmingham Alliance Francais (and the general public) about the paintings of Elisabeth Vigee-Le Brun, the favorite portrait painter of Marie Antoinette and the protagonist referenced in the subtitle of Sena’s new novel. During her fall book tour, Sena showed slides and spoke at several art museums, including the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., and the art museums of New Orleans and Salt Lake City. Lesléa Newman’s novel-in-verse October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard has received the following honors: Winner, Florida Council Teachers of English Joan F. Kaywell Award, 2014; Nominee, Missouri Association of School Librarians Gateway Readers Award, 2014-2015; Texas Library Association TAYSHAS High School Reading List, 2014; and Finalist, Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Award, 2014-2015. Katy Yocom was awarded a writing residency at I.S.L.A.N.D. Hill House in northern Michigan, where she spent two snowy weeks in late January and early February working on a revision in the excellent company of Maryann Lesert (F ’03) and Julie Brickman. She recently finished a stint as guest fiction editor of the Spring 2014 issue of The Louisville Review. Her profile of chef Louis Retailleau appeared in the Fall 2013 issue of Food & Dining Magazine, and her profile of chef Fernando Martinez is forthcoming in the Spring 2014 issue. Her essay about revising a novel appeared on the MFA faculty blog in January. Katy will teach a freshman seminar titled “Food: A Cultural Exploration” at Bellarmine University this fall. We are saddened by the death of David Tipton (P ’06), of Louisville, who passed away Saturday, January 4. Our heartfelt sympathy to Donna McClanahan-Crow (CNF) on the death of her mother, Dorothy Crowe, on December 30, and her father, James H. Crowe, on January 5. Our heartfelt sympathy to Michael Malone (CNF ’10) on the death of his father, Donald Luther Malone, who died Dec. 1. Our heartfelt sympathy to Becky Browder (F ’12) on the death of her mother, Audrey Moore Johnson, on December 4. Our heartfelt sympathy to Karen Mann on the death of her brother, Bill Mann, on November 9.
Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) for Fall 2013 FAC members are announced by the MFA Office at the beginning of each semester. The Program Directors consult with the FAC about recommendations for admissions and about programmatic and administrative development and changes. Both faculty and students are invited to make suggestions to the FAC for exploration by the Program Director and larger faculty. However, students and faculty should directly and immediately consult the Associate Program Director about any issues concerning specific individuals' performance in the program.
Financial Aid: The MFA Program offers scholarships to students entering their first semester in the program. Returning students who desire financial assistance other than student loans should apply for graduate assistantships. Applications for scholarships and assistantships should be directed to the MFA Office (mfa@spalding.edu). Information for assistantships is on the MFA portal page.
Student Loans for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters: Fill out the FAFSA for the 2013-14 school year, using 2012 tax information. Refer to MFA Financial Aid FAQs on the MFA portal page. Classifieds in the newsletter: Submissions of writing-related advertisements, such as calls for submission, services for writers, etc., may be made to mfanewsletter@spalding.edu. Life of a Writer: Please remember to email Life of a Writer news to the program because this is a vital part of our community—sharing writing successes. The program wants to share good news with everyone and compiles records of publications, presentations, readings, employment, and other related information on faculty, students, and alums. Like our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/SpaldingMFA Find MFA gear and wear http://www.cafepress.com/SpaldingMFA About The Masthead: The image in our masthead is the emblem of a photograph of a Louisville fountain, "River Horse," by Louisville sculptor Barney Bright. The sculpture references both the location of Louisville as a river city on the banks of the Ohio and as the host, for more than 125 years, of the Kentucky Derby. The winged horse Pegasus, of Greek mythology, has long been associated with the literary arts and the wings of poesy.
Sena Jeter Naslund, Program Director 851 S. Fourth St. • Louisville, KY 40203 (800) 896-8941, ext. 2423 or (502) 585-9911, ext. 2423 mfa@spalding.edu • www.spalding.edu/mfa
Email Life of a Writer information, Because You Asked questions, or classifieds to