
This handbook is intended for use by Spalding University faculty, staff, students and visiting guests. It is a quick reference to be used during emergencies. Every employee should be familiar with its contents, and new employees should be trained to follow these procedures and the building evacuation plan for his/her department.

In instances where an evacuation plan differs from the instructions in this handbook, the evacuation plan for the building will supersede this handbook.

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Numbers & Contacts
Emergency 911
Louisville Police Department 502.574.7111 or 502.574.2111
Kentucky State Police 502.454.3327
Campus Safety ext.4444 or 502.873.4444

Reporting an Emergency

When calling emergency numbers, stay calm and carefully explain the problem and location to the authorities.

Be prepared to:

Active Shooter/Gunfire

1. Leave your belongings behind and evacuate the scene. Keep your hands visible as you exit the area.

2. If you cannot evacuate immediately, seek refuge in an area that can be locked (or barricaded) from the inside.

3. Prepare the following: • Turn off all lights, close blinds • Block windows • Silence radios, cell phones, watches (anything that emits sound); • Take cover (hide behind a desk, wall, filing cabinet or any other object that will provide protection).

4. Have ONE person call 911. If safe to do so, stay on the phone with the police dispatcher. Make no action to intervene with the gunman/gunmen/shooter.

5. As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger attempt to incapacitate the shooter and act with physical aggression.


1. Immediately evacuate the building. Stay out of sight of the perpetrator.

2. Take no action to intervene with the hostage taker.

3. Call 911. Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so, stay on the phone.

Violent or Criminal Behavior

In the event of a suspicious situation, notify Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911 as soon as possible and report the incident, including the following information:

1. Nature of the incident you are witnessing

2. Location of the incident

3. Description of person(s) involved

4. Description of property involved Assist Campus Safety Officers when they arrive by supplying them with all additional information and ask others to cooperate.


During an earthquake or tremor

  1. If you are indoors, stay where you are. Take cover under a desk, table, bench, or in doorways or halls and against inside walls. Stay away from windows, light fixtures and suspended objects. Avoid taking cover in laboratories; chemical spills could harm you.
  2. DO NOT use candles, matches or other open flames during or after the tremors as gas may be in the air due to gas leaks.
  3. If you are outdoors, get to an open area away from buildings, power lines and trees.
  4. If you are driving, stop the vehicle in a clear area away from overpasses and power lines; remain in the vehicle until shaking has stopped.

After the earthquake or tremor

  1. Check for injuries, but do not attempt to move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger of further injury. If emergency help is needed call Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911.
  2. Evacuate the building immediately. Assist individuals with disabilities or mobility impairments.
  3. Once outside the building, go to designated assembly points (see appendix). Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and sidewalks clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  4. Use telephones only to report an emergency (i.e. fire, gas leaks, and injuries). ONLY trained officials should turn off utilities.
  5. Be prepared for aftershocks. They may be strong enough to topple already damaged buildings

IMPORTANT: After any evacuation, report to your designated campus area assembly point (see Assemby Area tab). Stay there until an accurate headcount is taken.


Building evacuations

  1. When the alarm sounds (I am not sure all buildings have alarms), evacuate the building using the nearest exit (or an alternate exit if the nearest exit is blocked).
  2. Do not use elevators if there is a risk of fire or power outages.
  3. If it is safe to do so, take personal belongings (keys, wallets, purses, etc.)
  4. Secure any hazardous materials or equipment before leaving.
  5. Go to designated evacuation point (see appendix) unless otherwise instructed. Stay there until an accurate headcount it taken.
  6. Keep a safe distance (500 feet) from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  7. Do not re-enter an evacuated building unless told to do so by a Campus Safety officer.

IMPORTANT: After any evacuation, report to your designated campus assembly point (see Assembly Area tab). Stay there until a headcount is taken.

Campus evacuation

  1. Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced by Campus Safety through the e2campus alert system.
  2. All persons (students, faculty and staff) are to immediately vacate the site in question and relocate to another part of the campus grounds or off campus as directed.

Evacuation of the Mobility Impaired

Faculty, staff, students or guests who require additional assistance to evacuate a building should contact campus security for assistance at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911. Coworkers and students may also be utilized to assist you at your request. Spalding University stores a stair chair to assist mobility impaired individuals down floors when a crisis exists that will restrict use of an elevator. This stair chair is located in the Campus Safety office.


  1. Immediately take cover under tables, desks and other objects that will give protection against falling glass or debris.
  2. DIal 911 Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444. Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If safe to do so, stay on the phone.
  3. When the fire alarm is sounded, or when directed to evacuate by University officials, walk quickly to the nearest exit. (See evacuation instructions.)
    IMPORTANT: After any evacuation, report to your designated campus assembly point (see assembly area tab). Stay there until a headcount is taken.


If you smell smoke or notice any other indication of fire:

  1. Pull the nearest fire alarm, evacuate the building and dial 911.
  2. Be prepared to give your name and the location of the fire. Stay on the phone.
  3. After being released from the call with the dispatcher, contact Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444.
  4. Remember fire alarms are located at all exits within a building.

Fire evacuation procedures:

When an alarm sounds

  1. Proceed immediately to an exit and move a safe distance away from the building. If smoke is present, keep close to the floor.
  2. Do not use an elevator.
  3. Before passing through any door, feel the doorknob or upper portion of the door. If either is hot, do not open the door. Before opening a door, brace yourself against it slightly; if heat or smoke are present close the door.
  4. If time permits, close all doors and windows behind you.
  5. If nearest exit is blocked, got to an alternate exit.
  6. If all exists are blocked, go to a room farthest from the fire and follow the procedures below.

If you cannot leave the room

  1. Keep the door closed and open the windows if possible.
  2. Seal the cracks around the door with clothing or other material, soaking it with water if possible.
  3. If possible, call campus security at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911 and report that you are trapped.
  4. Hang an object (shirt, jacket, etc.) out the window to gain attention.
  5. Shout for help.

Hazardous Materials


Hazardous material spills can result in fire, explosion, release of toxic fumes and contamination of water, among other effects. In the event of a spill of hazardous materials,

  1. Call Campus Safety ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911.
  2. Immediately evacuate the building and keep a safe distance from the affected building(s).
  3. Anyone in contact with the contaminated materials should avoid contact with others and identify themselves to Campus Safety officers or other authorities.
  4. Do not re-enter an evacuated building until told to do so by a Campus Safety officer.

IMPORTANT: After any evacuation, report to your designated campus assembly point (see assembly area tab). Stay there until a headcount is taken.

Medical Emergencies

If a serious injury or illness occurs on the campus, immediately dial 911 and then Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444; give your name and describe the nature and the severity of the medical problem and the location of the victim.

  1. Do not move a seriously injured person unless he or she is in a life-threatening situation.
  2. Render first-aid or CPR only if you have been trained.
    1. Check breathing and give artificial respiration if necessary.
    2. Control serious bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound.
  3. Do not leave the injured person except to summon help. Keep the victim calm and comfortable.
  4. If possible, have someone stand outside the building to flag down the ambulance when it reaches the vicinity.
  5. If you are exposed to another person’s bodily fluids, wash the exposed area and contact a healthcare professional.

Severe Weather


Should a section of campus flood, call Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911. Use the following cautionary tips:

Severe/Winter Weather

Always use caution in extreme cold/winter weather conditions. Please refer to the Spalding weather plan ( for additional information.


Tornado/Severe Thunderstorm

  1. If notified by Campus Safety or if sirens are heard, all individuals should take shelter in the designated safe area inside the building. (See appendix.)
  2. Do not go outdoors.
  3. Close all windows and doors.
  4. If possible, seek refuge in a basement. If a basement is not available, seek refuge in a small room with no windows (i.e. closet or bathroom).
  5. If there are no small rooms available, take cover under heavy furniture in a room central to the structure of the building.
  6. If no central rooms are available, take refuge in a hallway. Stay away from windows or doorways. Sit with you back against the wall and your knees drawn to your chest.
  7. After danger has passed, immediately report any injuries to 911, and if the building is badly damaged, please evacuate.

Shelter in Place

If the campus security send an alert to Shelter in Place

1. Immediately take shelter in any campus building. If you are in a building, remain there; if not, go inside immediately.

2. Turn off all lights and heating and air conditioning systems, if possible; close blinds; block windows; silence anything that emits sound; and take cover (hide behind a desk, wall, filing cabinet or any other object that will provide protection).

3. If you are in a vehicle at the time of the notification to shelter in place, you should close and lock doors and windows, turn off the heating or air conditioning, and either drive out of the area of risk (if possible) or turn off your vehicle and hide in the automobile.

Suspicious Mail or Packages

The following characteristics may identify suspicious parcels

  1. Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
  2. Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or otherwise outdated in its information.
  3. No return address or one that can’t be verified as legitimate.
  4. Has a powdery substance on the outside.
  5. Marked with restrictive endorsements such as Personal or Confidential.
  6. Protruding wires, strange odor or stains or has an unusual amount of tape.
  7. Has excessive postage applied to the parcel.
  8. A city or state in the postmark that doesn’t match the return address.

If you receive a suspicious parcel in the mail

  1. Do not open the parcel.
  2. Isolate the piece of mail and call campus security at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911.
  3. Do not move the parcel and wash your hands immediately.

Threats (Bomb, Physical, Terrorist)

Bomb Threat

In the event of a bomb threat, the building should be evacuated immediately. No individuals (other than the bomb squad or Campus Safety) should be allowed to remain in the building.

Bomb threats may be received by telephone, e-mail or letter. If you receive a bomb threat, follow the following procedures:

  1. Remain calm and obtain as much information as possible:
    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • Exactly where is the bomb located?
    • What does the bomb look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What will cause the bomb to explode?
    • Did you place the bomb?
    • Why?
    • What is your name?
    • What is your address? (Usually the caller will not answer, but it does not hurt to ask).
  2. Immediately have someone call Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911.
  3. Listen closely to the voice of the caller and make note of the following items:
    • Sex of the caller
    • Approximate age of the caller
    • Accent or dialect
    • Speech impediments or voice characteristics
    • Attitude of the caller
    • Any distinctive background noises such as street noise, motor noise, music, television or radio programs, etc.
  4. If the threat was made in writing do not handle the letter or note more than necessary.

If the building is evacuated due to a bomb threat make note of anything that arouses suspicion, but do not touch or move anything as you are leaving. Report it to authorities once you are clear of the building.

Physical Threat/Terrorism/Terrorist Threat/Violent or Criminal Behavior

Physical Threat

  1. 1. Immediately evacuate the area.
  2. 2. Call Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or dial 911. Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so stay on the phone with the police dispatcher.

Terrorism/Terrorism Threats

Terrorism threats should be reported immediately to LMPD by dialing 911. Threats will be investigated as a crime. If a threat appears to involve imminent danger facilities will be evacuated using the e2Campus system.

Utility Failure/Unsafe Water

Utility Failure

In the event of major utility failure during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. -10 p.m.):

  1. Immediately notify Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 and Facilities Management at ext. 4338.
  2. If there is potential danger to building occupants, evacuate the building immediately.
  3. Once outside, move to a clear area (at least 500 feet) away from the affected building. Keep the walkways, fire lanes and hydrants clear for emergency personnel.
  4. An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) may be setup near the emergency site. Keep clear of the EOC.
  5. Do not re-enter an evacuated building unless told to do so by a member of the Campus Safety Department.

NOTE: If there is potential danger to building occupants, or if the utility failure occurs after hours or on weekends or holidays, notify the Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 or 502.873.4444.

Water Contamination

If there is an emergency affecting the water supply:

After the Emergency

Whether an emergency is weather related, workplace violence, medical or fire, appropriate actions must be taken to ensure that administrative procedures are followed as prescribed by the university.

If an individual is injured or becomes ill due to the emergency, follow these procedures.

  1. Ensure that the individual has received appropriate medical care.
  2. Notify the individual’s immediate supervisor or Dean of Students of the injury/illness and the surrounding events.
  3. Ensure that an Incident Report has been completed to document the emergency event.
  4. Faculty or Staff medical emergencies must be reported to Jana Abrams, Executive Director of Human Resources at 502.873.4345 or ext. 4345.
  5. Student or Guest medical emergencies must be reported to Dr. Erica Gray, Dean of Students at 502.873.4488 or ext. 4488.
  6. Building damage must be reported to Director of Facilities, Kevin Weber at 502.873.4338 or 502.873.4339, ext. 4339

How to Report a Crime

Spalding University Campus Safety Department maintains a 24- hours a day, 7 days a week operation. Emergency telephones are located throughout the campus or individuals can call 502.873.4444 on their cell phones. Campus Safety actively participates in new student orientation programs and other programs to promote crime awareness and reporting.

If you are the victim of a crime, suspect that a crime has been committed or have witnessed a crime we ask that you report this to Spalding University Campus Safety staff. Campus Safety is located at 318 W. Breckinridge Street just west of Teilhard hall. The team can also be reached at We encourage all of our faculty, staff, students and guests to assist in the safety of our campus.

Additional Information and Procedures

Computer Equipment

The staff is asked to turn off as much computer equipment as possible, to prevent damage to equipment when power is restored.

Elevator Failure

If you are trapped in an elevator, use the emergency phone located in the elevator car to notify the Campus Safety Department at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444. If the elevator does not have an emergency phone, turn on the emergency alarm (located on the front panel), which will signal for help.
If someone else is trapped in an elevator, call Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 with the following information: building name, floor number and room number (if applicable).

Plumbing Failure/Flooding

Cease using all electrical equipment. Notify Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 and Facilities Management at ext. 4338, and if necessary, vacate the area.

Natural Gas Leak

Cease all operations. Do not turn on any lights or electrical equipment. Remember that electrical arcing can trigger an explosion. Notify the Campus Safety Department at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444. Vacate the area until the all clear is given by Campus Safety.

Steam Line Failure

Immediately notify the Campus Safety at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 and Facilities Management at ext. 4338. If necessary, vacate the area.

Ventilation Problem

If smoke or other odors come from the ventilation system, immediately notify the Campus Safety Department at ext.4444 or 502.873.4444 and Facilities Management at ext. 4338. If necessary, vacate the area.

Appendix - Evacuation and Assembly Areas

Building Evacuations


Evacuation Point

Mansion Complex

Mother Catherine Spalding Square


Mother Catherine Spalding Square

Teilhard Hall

3rd & Breckinridge Lot - Faculty Parking Lot D

University Center (Gymnasium)

Mansion Complex Lot – Faculty Parking Lot A

Egan Leadership Center (ELC)

Third & Breckinridge parking lot

Third Street Academic Center (845)

College Street Building West Lot - Kosair Parking Lot

College of Health & Natural Sciences (KCC)

Mother Catherine Spalding Square

Kosair Building

3rd Street Academic Center Parking Lot - Parking Lot L

Morrison Hall

ELC Lot – Morrison Hall North Dorm Parking Lot E

Spalding Suites

Facilities Lot (Fenced in Area) - Parking Lot K

Republic Academic Center

940 South 3rd Street Storage Building (Blue Roof) Parking Lot - Lot H

Physical Therapy Building (PT)

940 South 3rd Street Storage Building (Blue Roof) Parking Lot - Lot H




Mansion Complex

Basement/Main Hall


Basement/Huff Art Gallery

Teilhard Hall

Basement/Main Hall (SOPP)

University Center

Basement/Main Hall (Enrollment Services)


Lectorium under built in counters, 1st floor bathrooms

Third Street Academic Center

1st floor-Back Stairwell, classroom w/ no windows 2nd floor-Interior Conference Room

College of Health & Natural Sciences

Interior Hall on 1st floor

Kosair Building

Interior Hall on 1st. floor

Spalding Suites

Interior Hallway 1st floor

Republic Academic Center


Physical Therapy Building (PT)
